You may have dreams that inspire your hope- your engagement with life and the world. And you may, like I did, have dreams that don’t seem possible in the current and sometimes seemingly hopeless state of the world. Perhaps this little story will reignite the flame of your hope and effort? Who knows what might be possible with the power of the heart!
Some dreams are luminous dreams. Never meant to manifest, they operate more like idea lanterns that light one’s way through darkness toward a truer light. Other dreams go dormant, and we may think they are not meant to manifest, but they show up one day by surprise with a wink of wonder. This story is a little bit of both, in which my nonprofit and membership community The Fyera Foundation/HeartAmbassadors came to consult to the G20 and bring the inspiration of applied HeartMath science and skills to that policy writing process.
I have worked with HeartMath in various capacities since 1996- close to 28 years- and am currently a Co-Director of our Organizational Division and HeartMastery Program, in addition to my roles within my own organizations. I don’t know exactly when I began to envision bringing HeartMath’s science and simple-to-use paradigm shifting tools to heads of state and the geopolitical process. I imagine it was within weeks of seeing myself heal from long standing complex PTSD and experiencing the power of the heart to transform not only my life, but my patients’ lives, and the total world around me. As I wrote at the time, practicing HeartMath took my life from “black and white living to technicolor Oz.” By the early 2000s I had vision boards with images of bringing HeartMath to the United Nations (at the time I had no idea how to make that happen) and when practicing the tools I would radiate heart to global leaders and decision makers that their movements might be defined by the higher operating system of heart and cortical brain intelligence, rather than limbic defensiveness, fear and stress. By 2012 I had attended my first UN Conference through UN Peace Messenger Organization Pathways To Peace, whose founder Avon Mattison had taken one of my HeartMath classes. I have a framed thank you letter in my office from President Obama, for consulting to his office of public engagement. Toward the end of the decade, I had presented HeartMath at the United Nations High Level Political Forum and had had the privilege of meeting privately overseas with multiple heads of state and high level political officials.
It was through those exquisite experiences that I decided bringing HeartMath to high level political leaders was a luminous dream, not the real one. It was not wining and dining with people in suits handcuffed by lobbies of all kinds that mattered to me as much as remaking the world in a way that it could genuinely work better for all life. This led me to let go of that dream, to change my focus and work toward bringing HeartMath tools and science to the grass roots where daily decisions determine how life thrives or fails to survive. I lived (and still live) through the thought experiment “What if we bring heart intelligence, love and care to our most intractable world issues? Hunger, water, war, trafficking, climate crises, species extinction, education, gender based and other forms violence, disasters, and so much more?” That lived question blossomed into The Fyera Foundation and HeartAmbassadors’ 12 domains of projects in over 30 countries and 5 continents, nurtured by hundreds of volunteers. It also led to our deeply fulfilling collaboration with the Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma, as she is known for short) charity “Embracing the World.”
When Amma was appointed by the President of India as the Chair of the C20, which was the location hosting the G20 in 2023, I was invited by Embracing the World to apply as a consultant because of our past collaborations. To give a little context, the C20 is one of more than a dozen consulting bodies to the G20, the annual gathering of heads of state and foreign ministers from the top 20 economic superpower countries in the world. One of those economies is The European Union, so 46 countries make up the G20. In their yearly gathering, the G20 Heads of State issue a declaration of policies and commitments they are willing to both initiate and prioritize in principle, as well as from their pocketbooks. The C20 is the Civil Society consulting branch of the G20, which spends 10 months leading up to the leaders’ gathering making recommendations and writing policy proposals to be accepted or rejected in the final weeding and seeding process at the September Summit of world leaders.
When our application to consult to the C20 was accepted, I gathered with my community of HeartAmbassadors in our members call and played a game, a game I invite you to play with us now. If we were given audience with the 46 leaders of the wealthiest countries in the world, what would we want them to know? What would we advise them to do with their resources?
I then invited anyone from our community of HeartAmbassadors, my board, our partners at places like the Red Cross, and the HeartMath executive team to join us in our sometimes nightly (and wee hour of the morning) afterwork meetings to write our answers to those questions. Everyone who participated volunteered all of their time and passion. No one was paid. We were heart guided and heart led. At every meeting we did HeartMath tools together, sending love to the people, planet, plants and animals we care so much about, intending that our focus and effort would radiate to the world for the well-being of all being. When we hit impasses or uncertainty, we used our HeartMath tools to remove or climb boulders toward the next summit. The core team that spontaneously showed up for midnight mural-making of visions for a new world all turned out to be HeartMath Certified Trainers. They included me, my Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sandra Solano, My Chief Nursing Officer Lisa Marie Gorman, My COO Melinda Dewey, our Northern European Director Nienke Van Bezooijen, our cherished member and Red Cross Volunteer David Dante, our liaison to the United Nations Commons Cluster Kirstin Kurtz, my husband and co-director with me of HeartMath’s Organizational Division Robert Browning, on a couple of occasions Jeff Goelitz the Director of Education for the HeartMath Institute, the incredible members of my nonprofit board of directors, Linda MacIntyre the Chief Nurse of The Red Cross, and others who popped in and out to add energetic support. It is worth noting that the collaborative energy of our meetings was unto itself something new and somewhat sparkling. Hard to put words to, I might call it egoless service in which all of us were 100% committed to our intended outcome for the world and 100% surrendered to how it might appear in form and what part we might individually play. The closest thing I’ve seen to it in the is “Total Football” in Europe, in which soccer players don’t have ‘positions’- anyone can play anyone’s part, and everyone is dribbling for the same outcome. All are willing to pass the glory of scoring to anyone else on the team at any moment because in the truest, seamless sense we only experience one of us here. It was a single heartbeat fed by the unison of many different cells pumping in a syncytium of synchronized love and creation which unto itself, had no other outcome occurred, was the thrill of a lifetime for us as a team.
Early in the process, our youth member Phoenix Rose Gauthier (17) reached out asking if she could attend the conference in person. At my prompting she wrote a stunning grant for funding, which my board approved, and we sent her and her mother Kansas Carradine (also a HeartMath Certified Trainer, HeartAmbassador and now our G20 Project Manager) as in-person delegates to India. The steadfast heart presence Kansas and Phoenix held in their physical attendance at the working group meetings provided pacemaker cells to the heart of the process, ensuring all the language that we were writing and sending in virtually could be understood and integrated meaningfully. We truly could not have accomplished what we did without the remarkable presence of Kansas and Phoenix, and our other in person delegates who championed the heart, Leidy Caballero and Patricia Lim (a HeartMath trainer from Brazil who was also in India of her own motivation!). In addition to sending our own delegates to represent our input on the ground in India, in the spirit of SDG 17 (partnerships) and SDG 10 (reducing inequalities) we sponsored several other organizations from developing nations to attend who could not have otherwise.
In 10 months, with 6 in-person delegates sent to India including a youth, we produced over 250 pages of policy recommendations, problem solving justifications, white papers, population and economic impact statements, and multiple poster and panel presentations and webinars. We consulted to the following working groups:
The most surprising discovery we made through our writing process is that we now have scientific evidence showing that self-regulating your heart rhythms reduces implicit bias and discrimination, which is obviously extremely valuable to those working in the domain of diversity, equity and inclusion, and to equalizing our world.
As the lore goes, the entire bible can be summed up in one sentence, “Love thy neighbor as thyself. Everything else is commentary.” If we were to create a similar essential oil for these thousands of human powered hours of work and love we invested in the G20, it would be “Cultivate a global humanity that experiences and treats all life on earth as one interconnected family, interdependent and thriving through mutual respect, honor, love and the power of the heart.” Tactically speaking to achieve that at the policy level our recommendations could be summarized as “Prioritize heart intelligence and the capacity for emotional self-regulation skills at the same level as reading, writing and ‘rithmatic in global education and employment.” To give you a sense of how well received our input was, in the Gender Equity Thematic Book alone, out of 94 pages of recommendations from over 1700 organizations, 7 pages of the book consisted of content we wrote. In all our input we emphasized the importance of selecting emotional literacy skills that are evidenced based and include Heart Rate Variability (HRV) self-regulation as a foundation, based on the proven efficacy of these tools and the science behind them for individual, social and global outcomes.
The C20 is one consultation branch to the G20 – there are more than a dozen listed on page 32 of the Leaders Declaration acknowledgements, some belonging to civil society and many others from industry and government. And the C20 alone had thousands of pages of input and thousands of consulting organizations contributing. Imagine that all this effort gets distilled into only 34 pages of commitments the G20 leaders are willing to make. We knew the chances of our input making it to the final document were slim to none; our perseverance and commitment was fed by the feeling that the contribution we were making was more in the energy field than in the final result. However, that did not stop us as a team from visualizing together the popping open of a bottle of champagne upon seeing our influence in the final declaration!
Imagine our awe and wonder then, when, in mid-September, we read this as the first policy under the Education Commitments in the 2023 Leaders Declaration:
For those who teach HeartMath professionally, this single policy can open unprecedented doors and funding and avenues of access for you! Never before now has socio-emotional skill building been placed on par at the global policy level with literacy and numeracy!
“It is amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t need credit.”
-Ronald Reagan
This, and other policies like it which express our value of honoring all life through emotional and heart intelligence in the domains of integrative health and environmental protection, might well have made it into the Leaders Declaration without the committed hours and expertise and raw audacity of me and my team. And I think that is actually the best news of all in this whole story. We were water droplets in a tsunami wave, a small part in a larger movement of many who are seeking solutions based in compassion, love, and heart. The Theme of this year’s G20 was “One Earth. One Family. One Future.” After the gathering of the Education Working Group, a newsletter announced “C20 Summit on Education Focuses on a Culture of the Heart.” My little team of HeartMath trainers and I are not driving the change, we are riding it. The heart’s time has come, a world based on love is knocking on our door. And each one of us can answer the call and let it in. Hallelujah!
When I was asked to write this summary for the HeartMath Institute, there was a question they presented which surprised and delighted me.
“How tired were you and your team?”
I laughed when I read it, because it made me realize that it was the first time in my life when I I didn’t feel tired at all! My tiredness is often a feeling of being underutilized by life when it seems to need us the most. During this consultancy, I felt more energized than ever before, and my team reported the same. We were in the perpetual recharging station of the heart that happens when one’s skills and abilities line up with one’s passion and love and soul and the needs of the world. Apparently, there are limitless energy reserves there! And we needed those reserves- our writing process needed to be extremely nimble as many of us were in North America and the meetings were all happening in India. We would get deadlines issued while we were asleep and sometimes have only hours or a day or two to deliver on them. All of us work more than full time at our jobs, but somehow, we managed to fit it all in. It was heart magic, and a manifestation of what Goethe wrote when he said
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it,
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it,
Only engage, and then the mind grows heated—
Begin it, and the work will be completed!
And later cited by William Hutchinson Murray
“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no one could have dreamed would have come their way.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
I know that the work of heart never manifests without meeting our own inner growth process. The night the application to consult to the G20 was sent to me by my colleague at Embracing the World via Whattsapp, I held my beloved and deathly ill cat in my arms debating whether to take him to the 24 hour emergency vet. It was a moment of pause- my initial reaction “I cannot deal with this whattsapp right now, I have a life to save!” But then I remembered what my first cat taught me through HeartMath’s Cut Thru technique when he was dying of cancer, “Don’t care so much about one life that you forget to care about all life.” As my husband drove the car to the veterinary ER, I wrote the G20 consultancy application and responded to the whattsapp in the passenger seat. And the rest, as they say, is history ☺ My cat is now thriving and living well. Hopefully, thanks to following my heart with HeartMath tools that helped me manage my stress that night so we could make this contribution to the G20, it will add to a momentum where one day all life on our planet will thrive and live well, as well.
As I hold myself, and my HeartAmbassadors members and organizational HeartMath Certified Trainer community in the tenderness of our insecurities, our sense of insufficiency at global issues and despair, our uncertainty of how to proceed or to make the best difference we can and let our love have impact, I often think of Yeats’ quote ,“The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”
I think turning the tables on that quote was part of the game we played – what if we took our love, our skill our knowledge and threw our passionate intensity and conviction at it just because we can? What have we got to lose? Except maybe a couple of nights of sleep! All made up for by the sheer joy and hope in the process!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
About the author:
Sheva Carr is the architect and director of HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program, a Co-Director of HeartMath’s Organizational Division, and the founder of The Fyera Foundation and HeartAmbassadors organizations which work to bring heart-based interventions and science, with HeartMath at the foreground, to the front lines of work on global issues of sustainable development like violent conflict, poverty, clean water access, human trafficking, and more. To learn more or to apply to study or collaborate with them write to [email protected] or [email protected]
To read our full heart-based contributions to the G20 visit and look under Projects, G20/C20 Consultancy.
Sarah Syed
Sarah is an 18-year-old climate activist and innovator. She is a Youth Board Member at The Fyera Foundation, a fellow at The David Suzuki Foundation, and a climate education workshop facilitator/community and social media manager at Starfish Canada. Sarah is passionate about leveraging her passion for tech to research and design equitable climate-tech solutions. From bioplastic research made from food scraps to her most recent project that spanned over two years, a biodegradable sorbent made from polymers, biomass, and polysaccharide aerogels that have the efficiency of removing 98% of oils, organic compounds, and heavy metal compounds. Sarah is currently working on leveraging nanomaterials to design a rotating and semi-transparent solar cell and an IoT water sensor to reduce water wastage in agriculture. Her efforts have been recognized by distinguishable honors such as MP Dan Albas, NDP Critic for Environment and Climate Change Laurel Collins, and The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell during the Ontario Junior Citizen award ceremony. She has also been named a Top 25 Under 25 Environmentalist in Canada, Ontario Junior Citizen, and 1 of 3 young women making a mark on climate change by the Weather Network, National Nature Inspirational Youth, and Future Mind Under 25.
She is also the founder of You Are the Change, a youth-led organization dedicated to helping youth become changemakers in their community. She enjoys sharing her story and ideas in hopes of inspiring other youth and ensuring that action is taken now on the life-threatening climate crisis. Sarah has spoken at many conferences including the United Nations Water Conference Offical Side event, UN Science, Technology and Innovation Forum, Eco Impact, HWY H2O, Electricity Transformation Canada, AWE USA, University of Toronto, and McGill University, among others.
We are a proud member of Mediators Beyond Borders International and participate in their United Nations and Sustainable Development Goals working groups while also partnering with them in Nicaragua and other zones of civil unrest to bring dialogue in place of violence.
To learn more about the Red Cross, click HERE
Regina Shuvanova
The universe that we all call home is made up of amazing energy accessible to all of those who are willing to see it and embrace it. This energy can make any dream a reality. It has been my life journey and passion to help those who are distracted and unable to see clearly, find their path. This energy is everywhere and present in everything we do, from basic daily short term activities, to long term complex life discoveries. I was born in Tashkent Uzbekistan, a product of 2 Russian parents. I am bilingual in Russian and English. Having moved from Uzbekistan to Russia, and then to the United States, I have always wanted to bring people of the world together, to learn from each other, to grow, and to harness that energy. I received a Masters degree in Diplomacy & International Relations from Seton Hall University. I worked on developing international business relationships and cooperation through my role with the Mid-Atlantic Eurasia Business Council (MAEBC/MARBC) in Philadelphia, PA. With my career moving forward, a wonderful gift was given to me midstream. I became a mom. Life moves in mysterious ways and has its own path at times, yet, this energy I speak of is found in all things, at times, where you least expect it. I relocated from the West Coast and now live in San Diego California. I am currently in a leadership role with Caesars Entertainment, live with a loving husband, and a beautiful son. Without a doubt, being a mom has taught me more than I could have ever imagined, and has helped me in my own journey to find that energy.
Sandra Solano
M.D., M.S.
Sandra is a healthcare professional with more than 20 years of experience as a Healthcare Executive and consultant and now has her own Holistic Wellness practice in New Albany, Ohio. Dr. Solano successfully implemented large scale transformational projects in the private and public sector and was recognized as a successful disruptor and change agent. Through her career, Dr. Solano experienced personally and professionally the detrimental impact that stress and lack of emotional regulation has in productivity, communication and efficacy in the work place and family life. Through her practice, she works with individuals, teams, groups and organizations to bring evidence-based tools and skills that empower the individual to develop emotional fitness and stress management.
While she enjoyed a successful and fulfilling career in public health, Dr. Solano felt disconnected and unfulfilled. She continued studying alternative health modalities and how they could improve wellness. After extensive research and training, Sandra chose a combination of methods that facilitate the regulation of emotions and management of stress as the foundation of her holistic wellness practice. Dr. Solano is a certified trainer of HeartMath’s Resilience Advantage™ program; certified practitioner Shuniya Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing©; a Reiki Master; and a practitioner of Holographic Memory Resolution©.
After personally experiencing and practicing these tools, Dr. Solano feels connected with her authentic self and feels a sense of hope and peace that she wants to share with others. Learning about and experiencing these techniques brought her a new understanding of health as a state of balance and wholeness. Her concept of health sees every person as a fundamentally perfect being. Her passion is to help others to find that connection, authenticity, peace, and hope that she is now able to experience
Matthew Mitchell
Matthew Mitchell has over 30 years experience in sales, business development, and relationship management. He is an international speaker and consultant specializing in high performance and human potential. He gives people the tools and guidance necessary to eliminate the limiting beliefs and behaviors that hold them back so that they can achieve excellence in their personal and professional lives.
Matthew received his Masters of International Management from The American Graduate School of International Management in Phoenix, Arizona and his MBA at ESADE, (Escuela Superior de Administraccion y Direccion de Empresas) in Barcelona, Spain.
Matthew’s diverse career has spanned a number of industries. He spent ten years doing finance deals for large corporate clients with US Leasing and GE Capital. He made a career change in the early ‘90’s by going to work for Lucasfilm Ltd. in the Entertainment industry. He headed their electronic editing systems division and represented their proprietary technology to the major studios and production companies.
Matthew later served as VP of Television sales for two top post-production facilities in Los Angeles, once again cultivating relationships with studio heads, and independent film companies. He spent several years in the Communications industry with Qwest Digital Media being one of the first to sell the ability to deliver content over the Internet.
In 2004, he began his own consulting practice specializing in teaching high level skills to the fortune 100.
At present, Matthew is a keynote speaker, an expert in “Negotiation Skills”, “Organizational Savvy”, “Power Messaging”, and “Executive Presence” skills. He travels nationally conducting public seminars in negotiation skills. He has consulted and trained some of the biggest companies in the world. Current and former clients include: UPS, VMware, EMC, GE (multiple divisions), Honeywell, Tektronix, Ciena, Fujitsu Networks, Pratt & Whitney, Exxon Mobil Chemical, Microsoft, ATT, Sprint, Yahoo, Earthlink, Oracle, Cisco, HP, Intel, AMD, Aetna, Prudential, Siemens, Owens Corning, Cardinal Health, Care Fusion / Becton Dickenson, Autodesk, Caremark, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Abbott Labs, Wellpoint, United Healthcare, Optum Health, Ingenix, Hersheys, Applied Materials, Kronos, Ceridian, Unisys, Intelsat, Colgate Palmolive, and Medela.
Carold Garcia
16 years overseeing the operations of our programs in Nicaragua while raising her 16 year old daughter Lidia.
I am Carold García Castillo, Nicaraguan, graduated in Business Administration (UNAN-MANAGUA) with training in the HeartMath techniques and Regional Director for Fundación Fyera Nicaragua. I was born in January 1979 in Managua. I come from a family of limited resources and numerous, I am divorced and single mother of a lady of 15 years. I have vague memories of bittersweet childhood, my crib was the arms of my parents, my food the hope of my humble family and a people afflicted to see a new sun until the end of the Sandinista popular revolution of 1979-1990. In 1991 I heard Sheva’s name for the first time, her influential person formed in me a firm spirit, an integral character, a strength, and a deep desire to face everything. My life mission is at the service of families, to make a difference in the beating of their hearts.
Mai Shbeta
Lawyer, Mediator, Project Manager and Group Facilitator
Mai is a peace activist, human rights lawyer, mediator, and group facilitator. She was born and raised in Wahat al Salam-Neve Shalom (Oasis of Peace), the only intentional Jewish-Arab village in Israel. Her mother is Jewish and her father is Palestinian and her dream is to be a bridge between the two people. Since she was young, Mai has been active in programs that promote peace, leadership, and human rights in different organizations like Global Changemakers, Creativity for Peace, V-Girls (V-Day) and UNESCO’s Young Peace Ambassadors Workshop. She is a board member of the Fyera Foundation and is primarily working on a project that seeks to end human trafficking (the project includes a feature film, documentary film and online platform). In 2011, when she was 19, she participated and gave a speech about her work at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Mai completed her legal internship at Michael Sfard’s human rights law office in Tel Aviv. She studied mediation and is seeking to give workshops and mediate between people in different conflict zones. Right now she is working as a project manager at the “Elmina” Jewish-Arab theatre in Jaffa and at the Center for Multiculturalism and Diversity at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and she is also developing a mediation project between Israeli and Palestinian leaders and politicians.
Cheryl Geoffrion
Cheryl Geoffrion is certified as a trainer, facilitator and coach by The Institute of HeartMath and The International Center for Attitudinal Healing. She has facilitated one-on-one coaching, support groups, and workshops for more then 24 years utilizing these principles and practices as well as many other transformational life techniques. She has also worked with Fortune 100 companies, Non-Profits, and individuals as an expert negotiator, facilitator, and coach in sales and negotiation skills, leadership development, interpersonal communication and conflict resolution. She is a published co-author of The Three Value Conversations, How to Create, Elevate, & Capture Customer Value at Every Stage of the Long-Lead Sales with a feature article of the same theme in Top Sales World Magazine. An international motivational speaker, teacher, and former TV talk show host, Cheryl brings experience, compassion and vision to her work.
For more than two decades, Cheryl has been highly sought as a keynote speaker and consultant to a wide variety of public, private and educational institutions. Her experience, passion, sense of humor, and ability to drive high-impact performance execution enable her to be both entertaining and remarkably effective at producing transformational results.
Additionally she has the unique privilege to specialize in comprehensive international and domestic sport sponsorship and corporate hospitality programs working with the Olympics and FIFA World Cup implementing programs for Top Sponsors in Asia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, Mexico, South Africa, and the United States. She also served as the Managing Director of the Avon Breast Cancer 3-days and the National AIDSRides during which time she was responsible for many multi-million dollar charitable events nationwide. Cheryl’s global experience ensures a strong cultural awareness.
Cheryl started her professional career as an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) where she honed a skillset that enabled her to achieve great success as one of the youngest certified in ATC nationwide. She went on to pioneer unique performance enhancing coaching programs for Air Traffic Managers and Supervisors.
-Fyera Foundation
-Institute of HeartMath
-The International Center for Attitudinal Healing
-CMCM T.V./Talk Show Host
-Summer Olympics: Beijing, London, Rio de Janeiro
-FIFA World Cup, South Africa
-Winter Olympics, Vancouver
Robert Browning
Director of HeartMath Healthcare and Consultant to / Trainer with Fyera; Co-Vice President of United Nations Peace Messenger Organization ‘Pathways To Peace’
Robert Browning, PhD (h.c.) is Co-Director for HeartMath Healthcare and a Senior Master Trainer. For over 25 years with HeartMath, he’s trained more than 20,000 individuals in heart-based living and leads programs at: Stanford, U.C.L.A., Brigham & Women’s and Kaiser Permanente. He oversees HeartMath’s strategic healthcare alliances focused on self-care, human caring and wholeness healing. In April, 2015, Robert received an Honorary Doctorate in Human Caring and Caring Science from Dr. Jean Watson, Founder and Director, Watson Caring Science Institute and Dean Emerita-University of Colorado, Denver, College of Nursing. It was given “to honor devotion to the betterment of humankind through human caring – heart centered teachings and practices.”
He holds a faculty position with the Esalen Institute and Watson Caring Science Institute and adjunct faculty with the University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus, College of Nursing. Robert graduated from U.C.L.A., Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in Communications. His passion and 20 year focused inquiry on the power of the heart, care and healing has informed the depth of his work, practice and message.
Melinda Dewey
Board Certified Coach. Trainer. Speaker. Mentor. Operations Officer. The Fyera Foundation Board Member and Secretary
Following a successful 17-year business career in roles as a Corporate Controller, Project Manager and bank Loan Officer, Melinda now combines her business expertise and passion for health, empowerment, and resilience as Operations Officer in addition to her private practice as a certified Life and Breath Coach and HeartMath Coach and Trainer to individuals and groups. Some of her related certifications, training, and 30 years of full-time wellness-related experience include:
It is also my privilege to serve as a board member and secretary of non-profit The Fyera Foundation since 2011.
It is my joy to engage in awakening authenticity, potential and heart intelligence with the power of the heart to generate inner and outer peace.
Sheva Carr
Sheva Carr is a visionary, humanitarian, creator, lover of life, author, speaker, doctor of Oriental Medicine, Board Certified Polarity Therapist and Registered Polarity Educator, and expert HeartMath trainer and coach. She loves to help people find fulfillment and peace within the power of their hearts! She is the founding CEO of Fyera! Inc and Heart Ambassadors, a global network of endeavors sharing a common purpose of creating measurable social ROI to transform the world’s story with heart. Under the umbrella of that mission she is the architect of HeartMath’s program, the founding Executive Director of the Fyera Foundation and Sunflower SunPower Kids, and Co-Vice President and Head of UN Delegations for the United Nations Peace Messenger Organization Pathways To Peace . The author of “Being the Source of Love” and “Where the Sky Meets the Earth,” she is featured as a “love luminary” in Marci Schimoff’s New York Times bestselling book “Love for No Reason.” She cofounded (with Global Womens Empowerent Network and The Representation Project) the annual Women Illuminated Film Festival. She is also the founding visionary behind designed to enroll a Civilian Army to contribute to efforts to end sex trafficking and modern day slavery. She mentors teens from Israel and Palestine in peace dialogues with under the motto “An enemy is a friend whose story you have yet to hear.”
She has created her own trauma relief interventions with her knowledge of the autonomic nervous system, and has been published in respected medical journals as “Perspectives in Biology and Medicine,” and other publications including “The UN Special.” She has trained and mentored medical staff from C-level executives to bedside nurses at distinguished medical centers, including Mayo Clinic, Harvard, Stanford, Cedars Sinai, Kaiser Permanente, and more. She also founded the first HeartMath hospital patient education program at Earl Bakken’s Heart-Brain Institute. She co-authored HeartMath’s Stopping Emotional Eating Program with Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman and was the coach and manager of the participants involved in the study done on that program. Previously on the Faculty of Alternative Medicine at University of Minnesota, and a professor of Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College, she has worked as a coach and consultant to leading cardiologists, heart-brain researchers, and physicists. She has also trained United Nations staff and numerous international government agencies, and soldiers preparing for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.
She did her undergraduate work in fine arts, cross cultural international studies, Spanish, and premed at Carnegie Mellon Universty, Yale, Friends World College, and Dalhousie University. She received experiential credits for her work in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Holland, England, and Canada. Her Masters Degree is in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Yo San University.
Sheva speaks to people all over the world on how to access heart intelligence and peace of mind, in order to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on their relationships, health, performance, creativity, contribution, legacy, social change, and the building of a global culture of peace.
Please see Sheva Carr’s full bio HERE
Kevin Crowe
Kevin is an innovative senior executive who brings expertise in philanthropy, communications, non-profit management, and organizational development. Most recently he held a national philanthropy position focused on providing education to physicians and clinicians on the science of gratitude and building an organizational culture of gratitude within a national non-profit health system. He is an international speaker and consultant, and as a certified trainer of HeartMath’s Resilience Advantage™ program, Kevin has facilitated individuals and teams all over the world in creating heart focused personal change initiatives.
In addition to 29 years in healthcare administration and overlapping with 18 years in philanthropy, Kevin’s career has included hospitality management and higher education. He is passionate about institutional culture transformation and over the years and in several roles, has led multiple initiatives in his organizations that focus on service, satisfaction, and gratitude. Kevin has served on multiple boards including The Board of Visitors of the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing and The Board of Directors of the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Chicago Chapter.
Kevin holds a Bachelor of General Studies in organizational management and leadership from North Park University in Chicago and is certified by The Institute of HeartMath and the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. He is also a certified trainer and facilitator of multiple culture change and operational efficiency programs. He is a Reiki Master and Reiki Master trainer and an Akashic Records consultant. Kevin uses a combination of these modalities with mindfulness and resilience practices in bringing his best self forward to be present and in service to others.
Bringing applied heart intelligence to peace dialogues between teens from Israel and Palestine under the motto, “An enemy is a friend whose story you have yet to hear” with our partner Creativity for Peace. Fyera Foundation provided university scholarships to young women peace builders.
Fyera Foundation is an authorized provider of Amma’s IAM Meditation Instruction, taught to thousands of people around the world at no charge.
Collect monetary support to purchase “outer” PPE and donate to frontline organizations most in need.
Distribute messages of gratitude from the public to frontline workers, boosting moral and emphasizing appreciation.
Work to facilitate new supply chains and creative solutions for facilities with funding but expended resources.
Chosen by UNDESA and UNITAR to deliver the above training programs on UNTV at the High Level Political Forum.
The Fyera Foundation Presented a Written Statement to the 2024 United Nations High Level Political Forum on Ending Poverty (SDG1) and Peace (SDG16)
UN Peace Messenger Organization Pathways To Peace has been an instrumental bridge in giving us access to the United Nations. They have mentored us in service to peace and to the United Nations. Their 8 Pathways To Peace provide one of our core tenet frameworks. Our missions are closely aligned and intertwined and we are forever grateful for their lasting and ongoing contributions to our work and to the world.
All proceeds from our hydroponic Tower Gardens go to bringing towers to refugees in Kurdistan, families in Nicaragua, and others in need of food security.
Phoenix Gauthier
I was blessed to have been brought up in an extremely non-conventional way, traveling around the world with a circus until the age of 8. Most of my life I have been homeschooled, following a Waldorf education curriculum that has nurtured my creativity and helped to inspire my love for music and the arts. Traveling to many countries has not only given me a perspective on how society functions in different cultures, but has also opened my eyes to the suffering and injustice that goes on outside of our daily lives. When I am asked what my goal in life is, I’m usually drawn to responding with, “I want to help people. I want to learn how to be of service to the world.” The Fyera Foundation offered me the amazing opportunity to attend the 2023 C20 summits that took place in India, where I was able to observe and learn from how our pressing global issues are being dealt with, while continuing to share the principles of HeartMath. This was just one small step of many more to come toward realizing my goal. I represent the younger generation, and I hope to awaken in them a desire to work together to bring about a better future.
Precious Nyadogo
I am a 35 year old mother of 5 girls who grew up in Magwegwe old Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. l was raised by my grandmother and did my primary education at Magwegwe Primary School from the year 1992 to 1998.
My goal in life is to leave my footprints on the sands of time by joining hands with like-minded people in making a difference in this world through helping the needy and vulnerable. I grew up in a very poor neighborhood with 3 of us in a 2-room house, my grandma, my young brother and me. Every year during the month of December our 2-roomed house would accommodate more than 10 people. It is at that younger age that my grandmother’s generosity rubbed off on me and l learned to share the little l had with the person next to me. I grew up knowing that sharing is caring. l hope to pass this on to my 5 girls.
A few years ago l started Sister to Sister Association. We started off with empowering fellow women in my community through having community gardens where they grow vegetables and sell them so that they get money to take care of their children. With help of The Fyera Foundation we also had a bore hole drilled in my village and another one in a nearby village, providing clean reliable water to minimize the distance girls had to walk to get water for their families and to provide water for the vegetables we grow.
It is my dream to eradicate poverty in my community and in our third world countries and also end world hunger.
Gary Strauss
Gary B. Strauss, BCPP, RPE, MS is a Master Practitioner and world-famous Polarity Therapy and CranioSacral Unwinding Instructor. He is the founder and director of Life Energy Institute and Polarity Healing Arts of CA.
Among his many credentials is his Master of Science Degree in Biology/Nutrition, University of Bridgeport, Conn.
He is also co-founder of LEI-IPSB Trust, a non-profit, 501(c)3, organization developed to spread wellness and energy healing in our community and around the world. Lei-Ipsb Trust | Their mission is to support people in all walks of life with our experienced teachers and practitioners sharing the benefits of energy healing.
He has consulted in curriculum development and/or business practices with the following Schools or Organizations:
Polarity and Yoga center of Long Island, NY
He continues to mentor and guide the development of these schools, their teachers and their practitioners.
Gary has helped thousands of people find greater health and well-being with his work and mentoring. His educational programs have uplifted many students to greater levels of skill, self-awareness, empowerment and deep understanding of the Principals of Life Energy.
Kansas Carradine
Kansas Carradine is a globally acclaimed professional horsewoman with a lifelong dedication to her craft. Since she was 11 years old, she has entertained audiences around the world, demonstrating her exceptional talents as a trick rider, roman rider, and lasso artist.
Some of her performance credits include Hidalgo, Heartland, the World Equestrian Games, Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee, National Finals Rodeo, appearances on MTV, ESPN, CBS, Equitana, Cheval Passion and Equifest. She has been featured in publications such as Sports Illustrated, Western Horseman, Cowboy & Indians, and the LA Times. With Cavalia, she toured over five continents as a featured soloist, roper, rider, and trainer.
Kansas is a HeartMath Certified Trainer and SkyHorse Equine Guided Educator and incorporates her unique skills into her training and coaching; bridging science, spirituality, horsemanship and heart. Through her workshops and teachings, she helps individuals activate their own heart intelligence for improved emotional self-regulation, self-confidence, health, connection, and performance.
Following the wisdom and power of her heart, Kansas has made a positive impact through her service work with G20/C20 Presidency in India as Project Manager for the Fyera Foundation, as well as outreach in indigenous communities and fundraising for the Humane Society, Equestrian Aid Foundation, Wild Beauty Foundation, Compton Cowboys, and Embracing the World Charities.
Lisa Marie Gorman
R.N., M.S.
Lisa Marie is a healthcare professional with over 30 years of experience, in a wide range of roles from critical care nurse to corporate wellness director. Throughout her extensive career, she witnessed firsthand the profound impact of stress on herself and her colleagues. Despite learning and teaching various healing modalities such as yoga and mindfulness, she found that managing the deeply ingrained stress response in her nervous system remained a challenge. Her life took a transformative turn upon discovering HeartMath – the catalyst that facilitated her personal healing from stress and trauma.
HeartMath® and the power of heart coherence provide the foundation of her coaching and consulting practice with individuals, organizations and animals. Lisa Marie’s unique approach is a synthesis of her rich background in nursing, functional, integrative, and lifestyle medicine, nutrition, yoga, meditation, energy healing, polarity principles, spirituality, and intuition. In addition, she facilitates animal healing and the human-animal bond as an animal communicator and animal reiki practitioner.
Lisa Marie holds a Master’s Degree in Functional Medicine and Human Nutrition, and is a HeartMath Certified Master Trainer, HeartMath Trauma Sensitive Certified Practitioner, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Animal Communicator, yoga, and meditation teacher.
It is a life dream of hers to serve on a nonprofit board of directors. She deeply humbled and grateful to be a part of the heart of The Fyera Foundation!
Recognize the potential role of evidence-based Traditional and Complementary Medicine in health, and take note of international efforts in this direction, including WHO’s global and collaborating centres, and clinical trial registries.
Promote and improve access to mental health services and psychosocial support in an inclusive manner.
UN Special is the official magazine of the International Civil Servants
Adrian Alecu
Alamelu Deivanayagam
Alex Riggs
Amy Ruggiero
Arana Hagan
Avon Mattison
Ben Schumacker
Bella Merlin
Cheryl Geoffrion
Chrissy Stamm
Christian Paddison
Colin Ashfield
Cornell Carelock
Cristina Escobar
Curt Micka
Cynthia Jaggi
David Dante
David Wick
Deborah Owen-Sohocki
Diane Graham
Donnette Mosely
Dora Corral
Eileen Gold
Elizabeth Darroch
Erin Toppenberg
Eva Cristina Calderon
Evonne Heining
Fred Fuchs
Gemma Vestal
Greg Wendt
Gudrun Jonsdottir
James Gillis
Jeff Perlis
Joanie Ciardelli
Jorina Elbers
Julia Bickram
Kata Kinszely-Toth
Karl Johnson
Karyn Wilds
Katherine Barkley
Kevin Crowe
Lauren Brenner
Libby MacDuffee
Lidia Cristina Silva Reyes
Lily Hills
Linda Galasso
Linda MacIntyre
Lola Moonfrog
Lynne Jensen
Mai Shbeta
Manuel Abuanza
Marielle Abuanza
Marilyn Barrett
Marilyn King
Mati Munoz
Matthew Demerritt
Matthew Mitchell
Mel Duncan
Melinda Dewey
Melinda Weber
Michelle Auerbach
Miles Anderson
Monica Lamp
Nancy Carr
Nancy Griffis
Nikolai Giefer
Ohbeeb Calvacante
Paul Saltzman
Perry Downes
Prabha Sankaranarayan
Regina Shuvanova
Robert Browning
Robyn Grant
Roslyn Cook
Ruth Gomez
Sandra Solano
Scilla Elworthy
Sharon Lanier
Shayndel Kahn
Sheva Carr
Siobhan McCafferty
Siwar Hamati
Stephen Barrie
Stephen Steitler
Sylwia Patrzalek
Tanja Mutze
Teohna Williams
Tess Cacciatore
Tezikiah Gabriel
Thordis Elva
Tiffany Worthington
Tory Haslinger
Tracey Chew
Vednita Carter
Abby Kail
Adeline Alex
Aidan Barry
Aimee Gregory
Alain Gauthier
Alain Loize
Alberta Balasic
Aleisha Hicks
Alice Lyman
Alison Anderson
Alta Mae & Alex Stevens
Amber Stockham
Andrea Aid Still Needed
Andrew Gregory
Andrew Helgesen
Andy Traines
Ann Begin
Ann Leslie Uzdavinis
Ann Quinlin
Ann Wilds
Anna Long
Anna Paton
Anne Ehresman
Anne Marie Clear
Annette Woodward
Anthony Deifell
Anthony Putrino
Antoinnette Heath
April Powell
Assurant Foundation
Astrid Brodahl
Athena Drew
Austin Marx
Azreal Lower
Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends
Barbara and William Nickel
Barbara Lamb
Barbara Muller
Barbara Rice
Barbara Thomas
Barry Polsky
Bella Merlin
Benjamin Portman
Benjamin Quinto
Berje Barrow-Kaiswer
Bernice Vaca-Vigil
Beth Young
Betty Gilson
Betty Hargas
Bill Schoenbart
Blanche Roberts
Blueheron Beadwork
Bob Riddle
BodyMatters, Inc.
Bonnie Hartley
Bonnie Shulman
Bonnie St. John & Allen Haines
Brandon Hamilton
Brian Etting
Brian Schill
Brigg Bloomquist
Bronwyn Leslie
Brunilda Musikant
Bryan Carr
Candace Emmer
Candy Capogrossi
Carmina Tolentino
Carmine Marzano
Carol Bentley
Carol Grey
Cheryl Handy
Carol Leibowitz
Carol Turner
Carold Garcia
Carole Gailor
Caroline Caselli
Carolyn Chene
Carolyn Dixon
Carrie Francey
Carrie Levin
Cassie Galster
Cate Wallenfels
Catherine St Claire
Cathy Beltran
Celeste Demilio
Chandrika Desai
Charlcie Mosser
Charleen Maghzi
Chris Boyd
Christel Guna Kramer
Christina Ritzman
Christine Gust
Christine Hodgson
Christine Martell
Christoph Neumann
Cindy Matthews
Claire Geddes
Claire Londa
Clare McDermott
Colin Donohoo
Connie Baker
Conrad Smith
Constance Culley
Corporate Prana
Corrine Fabie
Courtney Sherman
Craig McGray
Cullen Mediation & Collaborative Law PC
Cynhia Jurs
Cynthia Chalmers
Cynthia Doty
Dan Vivoli
Dana Hooper
Dani and Crhis Biship
Dania Edwards
Daniel DelRocci
Daniel Fanta
Danielle Peretz
David Damico/Parkview Cafe
David Dante
David Farrow
David Hazen
David Kahane
David Nicol
David Wick
Dawn Jones
Dayna Sanders
Debbie Coles
Debbie Cusimano
Debbie Weisman
Deborah Kaufman
Deborah Moldow
Deborah Morgan
Deborah Taylor
Deborah Wilber
Debra Cookson
Debra Weisman
Deepa Health
Devin Strategies LLC
Diane Tate
Diane Williams
Diane Wotus
Dinah McQueen
DJ Wexler
Dominick Gatto, Susan Gatto
Dominik Michalzik
Dona Cullen
Donna Newman-Bluestein
Donnette Mosley
Doreen Wong
Dottie Indyke
Dr W McCarty
E & S miss_mcclain
Eddie Graham
Eileen Chodos
Elene Hammerel
Elissa Smith
Elizabeth Davies
Elizabeth Elliot
Elizabeth Flagg
Elizabeth Hughes
Elizabeth MacDuffee
Elizabeth Phinney
Elizabeth Sherman
Elizabeth Shiota
Elizabeth Stevens-Nafai
Ellen Elphand
Ellen Synakowksi
Emily Carlyon
Emmanuelle Barone
Erik Peterson
Eva Calderon
Evans Family
Eve Reynolds
Evonne Weinhause
Faith Dohmen
Faye Sahai
Ferdinand Garcia
Frances Salles
Francine Roby
Frank and Vi Nicholson
Frank Chindamo
Frank Rotondi
Frank Ruggiero
Fred Vinciguerra
Gabrielle Raumberger
Gail Jimandcyn
Gary Nesmith
Gauthier Family
Gayle Steffens
Gemma Vestal
Gene and Anne Reynolds
George Anthony
Georgie Chapman
Gerry Waniewski
Gina Rathbun-Dilles
Ginger Young
Gloria Phillips
Gloria Winter
Gordon Davidson
Gregory Tarsy
Gres Nelson/Westfield Pharmacy
Gretchen Sweeny
Guillaume Loize
Gwen Yaeger
Hanna Bullard
Heather Hinkel
Heather McCorkindale
Hebe Woo
Heidi Podjavorsek
Henrik Tomblad
Henry Lescault
Holly Kelly
Home Zeman
Ian and Alison H Scales
Ida Urso
Irene Kai
Jacqueline Karkazis
Jakie Kakuska
James & Beatrice Dante
James and Genenne Nettleton
James and Genenne Nettleton
James Keefe MD
Jamie Coughlin
James Gillis
Jamielle Stanley
Jan Hurren
Jane Hills
Jane McCord
Jane Peteshel
Jane Washburn
Janet Jai
Janet Walden
Janet Welsh
Janet Will
Jared Shapiro
Jason Bender
Jason Mitchell
Jason Paul
Jean Deupree
Jean Pierre Loize
Jeff Moeller
Jena Priebe
Jennifer Minchik
Jessica Headey Gandolfi
Jill Roff
James O’Dea
Joan Matheson
JoAnn Batey
Joe Terry
John Heeg
John Joseph
John Prince
John Thompson
Jon Zieve
Jonathan Wald
Joyce Johnson
Judi Norman
Judy Lennon
Judy Sladen
Julie Leavitt
Julie S. Nelson
K E Reed
Karen Berzanski
Karen Glowacki
Karen Katz
Karen Majorowski
Karen Robinson
Karen Smith
Karen Wendler
Kate Dougherty
Kate Durkin
Katherine Puckett
Kathleen Casey
Kathleen Gilkey
Kathleen McConaha
Kathleen Morgan
Kathleen Sheldon Smith
Kathleen South
Kathleen Welcome
Kathryn Keating-Kay
Kathryn Twinfeathers
Kathy Barrio
Kathy Hansen
Kathy Kroesche
Kathy McNamara
Kay Dundorf
Kelly Haslinger
Kelly, Patricia, Michael Palmer
Kent and Robin Thomas
Kevin Crowe
Kevin McCarthy
Kim Nguyen
Kimberly Rylicki
Kirsten Szykitka
Kristen Conn
Kit Pleck
Kory Clement
Kristin Hogan
Kristine McCann
L Gold
Lamia Faruki
Larry Glover
Laurie Nisson-Migliore & Edward Migliore
Layla & Monte
Leaders Network Intl/Jim Kettering
Lee and Bonnie Hirsch
Leif Kothe
Leoard Johnson
Leona Bombaci
LeRoy Horn
Leslie Cohn
Leslie Meehan
Leslie O’Neill
Linda and Larry Scheer
Linda Anderson
Linda Hamilton
Linda Bruce
Linda Galasso
Lisa Brown
Lisa Clayton
Lisa Goore
Lisa Hogan
Lisa Sommerfeld Kaplan
Lisa Walters
Lissi Holloway
Lorena Dinger
Lorraine Brown
Lorraine Jablecki
Lorraine Lewis
Louise Doran
Lynda Kahn
Lynne Stylianou-Jensen
Lynnette Rice
Lyra Rider
M. Kaufman
Maggie Van Staveren
Mai Sheba
Mande Matthews
Marc Siegel
Marcy Heller
Maresa Wickham
Margaret Ann McGuire
Margaret Heath
Margaret Liberge
Margaret Monahan
Margaret Oakes
Margot Garritt
Marianne Larned
Marianne Mejia
Marie Gray
Marie McGilray
Marie Nordgren
Marilyn Heinemann
Marilyn King
Marilyn Perona
Mark Cesario
Mark Laughton
Mark Northcross
Mark Savoie
Mark Segelman
Mark Taylor
Marlena McMahon-Purk
Marlyn Keating
Martha Hackett
Mary Barnes
Mary Barrett
Mary D’Antonio
Mary K. Taylor Barrios
Mary Keith
Mary Waldvogel
Marya McCullough
Mati Munoz
Matthew Albracht
Maureen Masters
Megan Glover
Meghan Peedicord
Mia Ellis
Michael and Camellia Nazny
Michael Montgomery
Michael Ogden
Michael Ruggiero
Michael Turley
Michael Zajac
Michele Newman
Michele Shapiro, Heidi Goad
Michele Sharvit
Michelle Daly
Michelle Willix
Miguel Castillo
Mike Miller
Mimi Hensel
MiX-LA (Laurie Kaman)
Mom’s Club of Studio City
Monica Wilkard
Monique Veillette
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Morris Ridgeway
Nancy Clayman
Nancy Gutierrez
Nancy Harris
Nancy Levy
Nancy Nixon Ensign
Nancy Turk
Nathan Brown
Nellie Moore
Nesreen Kawar
Nicholas Sam-Soon
Nicole Cooke
Nikolai Giefer
Nina Meyerhof
Nina Potter
Nutri Focus
Ohbeeb Calvacante
Ojo Onakule
Olga Blandon
Olivia Hansen
Olivia Kurtz
On Purpose Life Design
Ortal Beeri
Pam Hamilton
Pam Hay
Pamela Barnslee
Pamela Mohle
Pamela Neuharth
Pamela Pappas
Paraclete Elder Care Services
Patricia Ahlbrandt
Patricia Hartigan Bloom
Patricia Sullivan
Patrick Kronfili
Paul Murphy
Paul Saltzman
Paula LeRoy-Antaki
Paula West
PayPal Giving Fund
Peggy Wheatcroft/Kay Sabin
Penelope McGill
Perry Downes
Philip Hellmich
Phyllis Romano
Phylls Rosenthal
Primavera Salva
Quad Systems
R. Winslow Dennis
Rabbi Suri Krieger
Rabbi T’mimahickovits
Rachel Sherer
Randall Bird
Ravi Ravindra
Rebecca Blouin
Rebecca Blunt
Rebecca Crozier
Rebecca Hurdis
Rebecca Jennings
Rebecca Reber
Reggie Vega
Regina and Ian Carr
Repatterning Practitioners A.
Rev Lebaredian
Reva Gillian
Rhonda Nease
Rhonda Reed Schlosser
Richard & Marcia Templar
Richard Gridley
Richard Pallarino
Richard Shealey
Rita De Backer
Rob Perrilleon
Robert and Sandra Vernon
Robert Browning
Robert Chew
Robert Frick
Robert Richmond
Robert Samuel
Robin Beobinjill
Robin Bowman
Robin Kroll
Robin Nielsen
Robyn Grant
Rosa Cartagena
Rosalina Flores
Rosemary Ford
Ruchita Acharya
Russell Schaeffer
Ryan Shrout
Sadie Monghan
Sahrah and Bells Brown
Sailesh Saxena
Sally Balasic
Sally Mahe
Sandra Solano-McGuire
Sandra Wells
Sara Fritz
Sara Krider
Sara Nesmith
Sarah McKimmy
Sarah Whitmire
Scilla Elworthy
Scott Wilson
Sean Kelly
Sebastian Giefer
Serrina Davis
Shalom Compost
Shannon Harder Ronald
Shari Brown
Sharon Wacks
Sheila Ryan
Sheldon Mitchell
Simant Kerkins
Simcha Zevit
Sol Khazani
Soya Clapp
Spiral Publishing
Spirit Capture LLC
Stefanie Krueck
Stephanie Walters
Stephen Barrie/DSP
Stephen Dinan
Stephen Fanti
Stephen Hopkins
Steven Hearst
Suan Zipp
Sue Barnum
Susan Crimley
Susan Desai
Susan Ensign
Susan Henry
Susan Hitchcock
Susan Krause
Susan Laurenzi
Suzanne Armistead
Suzanne Horvath
Suzanne Mulroy
Suzuki Ingerslev
Sylvia Heisey
Sylvia Villalobos
Tammy Skelton/Brazil’s on Main
Tanja Muetze
Taylor Bucci
Teri Pusheck
Teri Wayne
Terry Hill
Tezikiah Gabriel
Thomes Knowles
Tiffany Elie
Tim Bartels
Tim Rowse
Timothy Reisterer
Timothy Roets
Timothy Sheehan
Tirsa Schonhoff
Tirza Verbrugge
TLC Mindfulness Mentor
Todd Sweet
Tom Carney
Tom Jones
Tom Schmidt
Tomas German-Palacios
Tomas Seipel
Tony Putrino
Tory Haslinger
Valerie Buxton
Valerie Koger
Vanessa Ragan
Victoria Stewart
Virginia Berman
Vivianne Bentley
Waila Dungan
Wanda Todd
Wellness Plus
Wendy Kuhn
Whitney Fragoso
William Mannon
William McCarthy
Worcester State University
Amy Ruggiero
Ania Borysiewicz
Anne Parker
Arana Hagan
Avalon Barrie
Beth Young
Betsy Sanders
Brooke March
Caara Shayne
Cheryl Geoffrion
Christina Beneman
Darshan Darshan
Deb Peterson
Deborah Lockwood
Deborah Owen-Sohocki
Donna Almon
Erin Toppenberg
Eugenia Smirnova
Furqan Nanji and Denise Chin
Jeanne Marie Moore
Jennifer Cooke
Julia Levergood
Julie Shanklin
Kansas Carradine
Karyn Wilds
Kathleen Westcott
Kato Wittich
Kim Gallmeyer
Kristie Kambarn
Kristin Kurtz
Kristina Katt
Laura Shore
Leslea Babcock/Wolf
Lucas Donat
Marije Miller
Marty Kupper
Mary Hagerth
Mary Kostman
McKerrin Kelly
Melanie Marx
Melinda Dewey
Michael Learned
Michele Jewett
Mike Babcock
Mistler Family Foundation
Nancy Carr
Nancy Griffis
Norman and Twyla Blanco
Paul Templer
Rebecca Dalby
Robin Moneyhun
Roger M. Lockwood
Roxana Fernandez
Sandra Solano
Scott Kelly
Sheva Carr
Siobhan McCafferty
Steve Moeller
Tanya Marcia
Terry Gladstone
Victoria Shemaria
Art & Science of Transformation
Avon Mattison
Benjamin Strock
Branden Barber
Brent Lilienthal
Brooke March
Bryna Berkowitz
Charles Gibbs
Clare Rosenfield
Craig Flynn
Deanna Riddle
Deborah Lockwood
Deborah Mitchell
Deborah Owen-Sohocki
Diane Browning
Donald and Adele Delsi
Dr. Joel Matta
Dukh Niwaran K Whipp
Elizabeth Darroch
Fumi Johns Stewart
Furqan Nanji and Denise Chin
Gerald Jampolsky
Helene Graham
Hermosa Redondo
Manhattan School
Hilary Nicole
Jane Leikind
Jean Bolen
Jean Brewer
Jean Westney
Jeff Fisher
Joanie Ciardelli
John H. Newton
Mark & Roberta Joiner
Julia Birch
Julie Shanklin
Kathleen Westcott
Kathy Hepinstall
Katrina Nelson
Kelli Clark
Kristina Katt
Laura Shore
Laurie Thompson
Linda Acosta
Linda McIntyre
Matthew Mitchell
Michael Davidson
Mike Babcock
Nancy Graham
Nancy Griffis
Network for Good
Nicci Hammerel
Paige Phillips
Pat Rypinski
Pathways to Peace
Rachel Linnett
Rebecca Mitchell
Rhonda Reed Schlosser
Robin Moneyhun
Roxana Fernandez
Sandra Solano-McGuire
Santa Cruz Elks Lodge #824
Sarah Uplinger
Scott Kelly
Sheldon Hughes
Shift Network Inc.
Siobhan McCafferty
Ssara Ann Bassler
Strategic Energy Coaching
Susannah Hardaway
Terri Todd
Terry Gladstone
The Barnes Videgain Trust
Thiru Sinnathamby
Thomas Petersen
Tina Benneman
Tracey Chew
Twyla Blanco
Wade Puckett
Wende Dasteel & Neil Cuthbert
WorldVentures Foundation
Ania Borysiewicz
Benevity Fund
CEK Educational & Cultural Foundation
Diane Graham
Eileen Gold
Francis Parker School
Furqan Nanji and Denise Chin
Jim Stonehouse
Julia Levergood
Kristie Kambarn
Kristin Kurtz
Mary Hagerth
McKerrin Kelly
Melanie Marx
Michael Learned
Michele Jewett
Mistler Family Foundation
Nancy Griffis
Norman and Twyla Blanco
Roger M. Lockwood
Sharon Lanier
Tanya Marcia
Victoria Shemaria
Amy Ruggiero
Arana Hagan
Avalon Barrie
Barthold Family Foundation
Betsy Sanders
Caara Shayne
Cheryl Geoffrion
Corporate Visions Inc.
Darshan Darshan
Deb Peterson
Donna Almon
Erin Toppenberg
Eugenia Smirnova
Fyera! Inc.
Jeanne Marie Moore
Jeff Perlis
Jennifer Cooke
Jewish Federation of Silicon
Kansas Carradine
Karyn Wilds
Kato Wittich
Kim Gallmeyer
Leslea Babcock
Lola Moonfrog
Lucas Donat
Marije Miller
Marty Kupper
Melinda Dewey
Nancy Carr
Paul Templer
Phillip Trotter
Pond Foundation
Rebecca Dalby
Richard Seigel Foundation
Sean Evans
Sheva Carr
Steve Moeller
Susan Shayndel Kahn
Tora Isi & John Wilhelm