WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.010 --> 00:00:01.140 Laurie Levin: Get excited. I. 2 00:00:02.440 --> 00:00:16.980 Sheva Carr: Alright, my very old friend, not old. She's old, but we've been friends for a long time like it's weird. So Laurie's gonna tell the story because it's long enough ago. I don't even remember. Maybe your dog. My memory. 3 00:00:17.420 --> 00:00:24.540 Laurie Levin: Yes, yes. Well, and I think it was more momentous to me. You you were involved in the trainings. From what I recall 4 00:00:24.971 --> 00:00:39.470 Laurie Levin: the earlier days of of heart math. So I've been a heartmath coach certified coach for over 20 years, and it was Stephanie. And you know Tricia and Kim Allen and chef and car. This little person. 5 00:00:39.700 --> 00:00:40.610 Sheva Carr: And close that. 6 00:00:40.610 --> 00:00:53.430 Laurie Levin: Hair comes flying into the room. You know we're all in our heart we're doing. And here she comes. And I was just like, who is this? Because from the moment you spoke, Sheva, you just captured my heart. 7 00:00:54.084 --> 00:00:54.509 Sheva Carr: Work. 8 00:00:54.510 --> 00:01:10.159 Laurie Levin: Somebody that I knew I needed to listen to and continue to listen to. I don't remember exactly what you spoke about, but I do believe you told your story of your time in Nicarag, Nicaragua. I don't think I I think I heard it then. 9 00:01:10.260 --> 00:01:20.480 Laurie Levin: and then you know how you talked about how you were released, and it was about doing the work of Heartmath without even knowing about Heartmath, of course, at that time. So I just felt 10 00:01:20.630 --> 00:01:21.640 Laurie Levin: from 11 00:01:21.770 --> 00:01:31.160 Laurie Levin: that training. Certainly the other people there. The trainers are a magnificent at heart, math, but you just captured my heart in a way that I 12 00:01:31.270 --> 00:01:33.140 Laurie Levin: I don't know. There are no words. 13 00:01:33.565 --> 00:01:42.969 Laurie Levin: and every time you've done something, and I could or couldn't be there, I'd be like Oh, my God, it's Sheva. It's Sheva. So anyway, that's my story, and I'll I'm so thankful 14 00:01:43.220 --> 00:01:46.249 Laurie Levin: to have been able to stay in connection with you all these years. 15 00:01:46.470 --> 00:01:49.290 Sheva Carr: It's beautiful, and your name is like a 16 00:01:50.297 --> 00:01:54.600 Sheva Carr: you know a household name around heart math. 17 00:01:54.895 --> 00:01:57.550 Laurie Levin: I've been, cause I've been around. It's so long. 18 00:01:57.550 --> 00:01:59.380 Sheva Carr: Have, and so 19 00:02:00.180 --> 00:02:06.049 Sheva Carr: thank you for your tenacity to the heart, and for representing us. 20 00:02:06.460 --> 00:02:07.080 Laurie Levin: Yes. 21 00:02:07.080 --> 00:02:09.890 Sheva Carr: The Commission on the Status of Women this year. 22 00:02:10.199 --> 00:02:12.099 Laurie Levin: Yes, thank you. Yeah. 23 00:02:12.588 --> 00:02:15.030 Sheva Carr: We in our prior call. 24 00:02:15.770 --> 00:02:16.910 Sheva Carr: we 25 00:02:17.050 --> 00:02:20.370 Sheva Carr: we're looking at, among many other things. 26 00:02:21.010 --> 00:02:26.309 Sheva Carr: some baseline attitudes, one of them being taking things for granted. 27 00:02:28.320 --> 00:02:32.510 Sheva Carr: and one of the collective global energies 28 00:02:33.850 --> 00:02:37.280 Sheva Carr: that is most taken for granted are women. 29 00:02:40.360 --> 00:02:44.749 Sheva Carr: or in cultures all over the world. Women 30 00:02:45.340 --> 00:02:49.449 Sheva Carr: have played roles that hold culture together 31 00:02:50.540 --> 00:02:52.390 Sheva Carr: as caregivers. 32 00:02:53.010 --> 00:02:55.000 Sheva Carr: as educators. 33 00:02:55.720 --> 00:03:00.309 Sheva Carr: as child razors, as water fetchers. 34 00:03:02.730 --> 00:03:05.199 Sheva Carr: as child bearers. 35 00:03:08.340 --> 00:03:09.390 Sheva Carr: and 36 00:03:09.610 --> 00:03:12.910 Sheva Carr: in the last 2,000 years 37 00:03:12.990 --> 00:03:18.150 Sheva Carr: the unique role of the female anatomy and 38 00:03:18.450 --> 00:03:21.070 Sheva Carr: psychology within culture 39 00:03:21.650 --> 00:03:23.240 Sheva Carr: has been 40 00:03:24.530 --> 00:03:26.670 Sheva Carr: diminished in value 41 00:03:28.510 --> 00:03:31.709 Sheva Carr: in ways that we can measure at the UN. 42 00:03:34.590 --> 00:03:36.830 Sheva Carr: Does this make sense to everyone? 43 00:03:38.820 --> 00:03:46.490 Sheva Carr: I am looking at our group, and everyone here except our honorary hire female David. 44 00:03:48.200 --> 00:03:51.519 Sheva Carr: who has a very strong, higher feminine side. 45 00:03:53.960 --> 00:03:58.090 Sheva Carr: is of this persuasion, and I guarantee you. 46 00:03:58.100 --> 00:04:00.329 Sheva Carr: Your life has been touched 47 00:04:00.810 --> 00:04:08.230 Sheva Carr: by the energetic collectively of taking women for granted. Can everyone relate to that in some way. 48 00:04:11.450 --> 00:04:13.579 Sheva Carr: so, as an on-ramp 49 00:04:13.690 --> 00:04:20.679 Sheva Carr: from the heart start, call into Lori's presentation of her adventure at Csw. 50 00:04:20.740 --> 00:04:23.169 Sheva Carr: And maybe sharing a little bit, too. 51 00:04:23.240 --> 00:04:27.259 Sheva Carr: since we also have many, many partners certified trainers here. 52 00:04:30.730 --> 00:04:32.990 Sheva Carr: sharing a little bit about 53 00:04:33.180 --> 00:04:36.020 Sheva Carr: for 20 year journey as a provider. 54 00:04:37.750 --> 00:04:40.619 Sheva Carr: because she's run the marathon, not the sprint. 55 00:04:41.580 --> 00:04:45.179 Sheva Carr: and she has wisdom. We don't want to take for granted. 56 00:04:49.360 --> 00:04:51.750 Sheva Carr: Can we do a heart lock in 57 00:04:54.120 --> 00:04:57.409 Sheva Carr: 2? There's another one of our honorary females. 58 00:04:58.050 --> 00:05:00.030 Sheva Carr: Michael, good to see you. 59 00:05:00.930 --> 00:05:01.620 Sheva Carr: but 60 00:05:02.730 --> 00:05:05.599 Sheva Carr: bring in his higher feminine into the mix. 61 00:05:06.340 --> 00:05:08.000 Sheva Carr: We need more men. 62 00:05:08.810 --> 00:05:13.320 Sheva Carr: oh, and all gender identities to understand these issues 63 00:05:14.110 --> 00:05:18.559 Sheva Carr: in order to help advocate for a balancing of the equation 64 00:05:18.790 --> 00:05:25.540 Sheva Carr: in the Kabala today we are in an energy grid of the Libra energies to reset 65 00:05:25.750 --> 00:05:27.610 Sheva Carr: balance on the planet. 66 00:05:28.100 --> 00:05:29.260 Sheva Carr: Just for today. 67 00:05:30.640 --> 00:05:31.300 Melinda: Certainty. 68 00:05:32.330 --> 00:05:36.219 Sheva Carr: It is. It's a one day opportunity. Don't take it for granted. 69 00:05:37.830 --> 00:05:40.859 Sheva Carr: and one of the things that we can balance 70 00:05:42.570 --> 00:05:45.870 Sheva Carr: is bring more balance to the gender 71 00:05:45.950 --> 00:05:47.100 Sheva Carr: equation. 72 00:05:49.130 --> 00:05:51.409 Sheva Carr: So I want to invite us 73 00:05:51.660 --> 00:05:56.969 Sheva Carr: to do a 5 min heart lock in, to warm up the heart field for Lori. Can we do that 74 00:05:58.270 --> 00:06:00.889 Sheva Carr: first, by not taking her for granted. 75 00:06:04.250 --> 00:06:06.940 Sheva Carr: She got herself all the way to across 76 00:06:07.260 --> 00:06:08.969 Sheva Carr: the Pacific puddle 77 00:06:10.770 --> 00:06:17.630 Sheva Carr: from Europe to represent us in New York at the UN. Do I understand that? Right, Lori? You're living in Spain now. 78 00:06:17.860 --> 00:06:18.940 Laurie Levin: Atlantic. 79 00:06:19.510 --> 00:06:21.650 Sheva Carr: Atlantic puddle, of course. Yes. 80 00:06:21.880 --> 00:06:22.520 Sheva Carr: you, Caleb. 81 00:06:22.520 --> 00:06:23.509 Laurie Levin: Inform you people, you know. 82 00:06:23.510 --> 00:06:30.680 Sheva Carr: Hey? Listen! I'm Nova Scotian. I should know that my apparently my geography hasn't woken up yet. 83 00:06:30.680 --> 00:06:33.589 Laurie Levin: Yeah. Atlanta. Yeah, yeah, I'm in Spain. 84 00:06:33.990 --> 00:06:37.000 Sheva Carr: Right. So she she hugged but 85 00:06:37.840 --> 00:06:39.640 Sheva Carr: to represent us 86 00:06:39.890 --> 00:06:41.190 Sheva Carr: at the UN. 87 00:06:41.950 --> 00:06:47.539 Sheva Carr: And now to bring us what she learned there, so we don't want to take that for granted. 88 00:06:48.790 --> 00:06:50.909 Sheva Carr: We want to appreciate that 89 00:06:53.520 --> 00:06:56.020 Sheva Carr: and breathe gratitude for it. 90 00:06:57.190 --> 00:07:02.839 Sheva Carr: and also knock the dust off where we take other women for granted. 91 00:07:04.300 --> 00:07:06.599 Sheva Carr: including ourselves. Melinda. 92 00:07:10.820 --> 00:07:17.810 Sheva Carr: You know how many details she orchestrates for all this, and she's gonna stew about a missed phone number. Come on. 93 00:07:22.080 --> 00:07:29.209 Sheva Carr: If I navigated as many details as Melinda does, my brain would explode, and then you'd all have to have a funeral for me. 94 00:07:32.330 --> 00:07:38.849 Sheva Carr: So just breathe some appreciation for the women in your life, for yourself, for Lori. 95 00:07:39.760 --> 00:07:42.740 Sheva Carr: and we'll warm up the heartfield together. Yeah. 96 00:07:43.430 --> 00:07:44.620 Sheva Carr: 5 min. 97 00:07:45.060 --> 00:07:47.529 Sheva Carr: breathing that in through the heart 98 00:07:48.210 --> 00:07:49.799 Sheva Carr: and out through the heart. 99 00:12:53.390 --> 00:12:56.840 Sheva Carr: Give yourself a moment here. 100 00:12:58.390 --> 00:13:02.149 Sheva Carr: listen for your intuitive guidance. 101 00:13:05.100 --> 00:13:08.459 Sheva Carr: Anything it wants you to know right now. 102 00:13:23.320 --> 00:13:25.059 Sheva Carr: and as we 103 00:13:26.170 --> 00:13:27.870 Sheva Carr: shift modes. 104 00:13:39.010 --> 00:13:42.789 Sheva Carr: listen to and receive. Lori. 105 00:13:47.470 --> 00:13:49.770 Sheva Carr: my invitation 106 00:13:51.580 --> 00:13:54.240 Sheva Carr: is to listen to her 107 00:13:56.510 --> 00:13:58.300 Sheva Carr: with the same 108 00:13:58.530 --> 00:14:00.650 Sheva Carr: quality of attention 109 00:14:07.160 --> 00:14:09.190 Sheva Carr: with which you 110 00:14:09.380 --> 00:14:11.260 Sheva Carr: have closed. Then. 111 00:14:13.410 --> 00:14:15.740 Sheva Carr: listening to your own heart. 112 00:14:20.300 --> 00:14:23.400 Sheva Carr: so that as you listen to Lori. 113 00:14:24.160 --> 00:14:25.980 Sheva Carr: You're listening 114 00:14:26.530 --> 00:14:28.770 Sheva Carr: to her as your own heart. 115 00:14:34.820 --> 00:14:39.659 Sheva Carr: Just try it on as the quality of listening. Miss Lori. 116 00:14:41.220 --> 00:14:43.890 Sheva Carr: I'm gonna pass the baton 117 00:14:44.940 --> 00:14:48.360 Sheva Carr: to you. Let me give you screen sharing capability. 118 00:14:50.260 --> 00:14:52.289 Sheva Carr: You should have that now. 119 00:15:05.940 --> 00:15:06.710 Laurie Levin: See? 120 00:15:07.290 --> 00:15:08.610 Laurie Levin: Can you see that. 121 00:15:11.850 --> 00:15:13.650 Sheva Carr: Yes, we can. 122 00:15:14.631 --> 00:15:17.519 Sheva Carr: We see your slides on the side. If you. 123 00:15:17.840 --> 00:15:24.990 Laurie Levin: I'm going to do that at one I've got to move. Okay, just things around up here. Let's see if I 124 00:15:25.220 --> 00:15:26.810 Laurie Levin: we good better. 125 00:15:26.810 --> 00:15:28.990 Sheva Carr: That's perfect. Thank you, Laurie. 126 00:15:29.180 --> 00:15:31.920 Laurie Levin: Thank you. Thanks for pointing that out. I appreciate it. 127 00:15:32.150 --> 00:15:33.080 Laurie Levin: Well. 128 00:15:33.550 --> 00:15:39.439 Laurie Levin: thank you so much. It is such an honor to be with you today. This event. 129 00:15:41.410 --> 00:15:56.100 Laurie Levin: you know, holds a there's so much meaning here. And and and the reason, you know one of the reasons I went to this event. Well, there's not many other reasons. It's one reason I've been working on this my entire life. So since I was a teenager. 130 00:15:56.100 --> 00:16:19.730 Laurie Levin: so that's almost 50 years, so I'll kind of weave that in here. But it meant more to me than just about anything this past decade to you know, to be able to attend this event, so I'm so thankful for the opportunity and no coincidence. I just happened to get on a call that Chef and Melinda were on and mentioned the UN. And when they said Commission on the status of women, I'm like, Oh, my, gosh! 131 00:16:19.950 --> 00:16:24.209 Laurie Levin: Tell me more about that. And I think I emailed you within about 5 min 132 00:16:24.510 --> 00:16:35.350 Laurie Levin: to to get involved. So again, my heart, you know, I'm just filled with thanks for being able to attend this year's commission on the status of women at the United Nations. I'd never been before. 133 00:16:35.390 --> 00:16:37.929 Laurie Levin: and it was an extraordinary event 134 00:16:38.330 --> 00:16:41.109 Laurie Levin: I'll just mention. I only have one hand. I 135 00:16:41.530 --> 00:16:53.060 Laurie Levin: took a really bad fall 2 weeks ago in Malaga, in Spain, and I broke my shoulder. I just want to say that heart is one of the tools that I use to ease pain. 136 00:16:53.590 --> 00:17:20.866 Laurie Levin: and it made such a difference. And it when I go to my heart, when there is pain, it just fills me up with such hope. And even as a Cabala student I always get what a pleasure you know this pain is for a reason. It's serving me, and in combination with heart math. It's amazing how that pain just subsides enough so that I can take continue on. So I've been typing this for the last 2 weeks with with one hand, so I hope it makes sense. 137 00:17:21.170 --> 00:17:27.180 Sheva Carr: Well, Lori, we're definitely going to be sending you some healing during this time, but also 2 things, one 138 00:17:27.480 --> 00:17:28.329 Sheva Carr: that 139 00:17:28.490 --> 00:17:32.770 Sheva Carr: can you hear the dust knocked off. How deeply she appreciates 140 00:17:33.560 --> 00:17:37.810 Sheva Carr: the path that the fiera foundation gave her. To get to the UN. 141 00:17:38.690 --> 00:17:41.660 Sheva Carr: And part of that appreciation 142 00:17:42.200 --> 00:17:47.920 Sheva Carr: is to all of you that have donated to the Fuhrer foundation or volunteered your time. 143 00:17:48.900 --> 00:17:51.100 Sheva Carr: That's what keeps that going. 144 00:17:51.740 --> 00:17:54.050 Sheva Carr: So take in that fix 145 00:17:55.880 --> 00:18:02.099 Sheva Carr: really own that this pipeline of possibility and opportunity exists because of you 146 00:18:03.510 --> 00:18:05.349 Sheva Carr: and me, of course, but 147 00:18:06.310 --> 00:18:08.030 Sheva Carr: it's a team effort. 148 00:18:08.680 --> 00:18:09.700 Sheva Carr: big time. 149 00:18:10.660 --> 00:18:18.279 Sheva Carr: and especially in this case, acknowledging the role that Melinda played to help our Csw. Delegates get to the UN. This year. 150 00:18:18.740 --> 00:18:20.150 Sheva Carr: She was 151 00:18:21.160 --> 00:18:26.009 Sheva Carr: the core co-creator behind that entire momentum. 152 00:18:27.670 --> 00:18:31.870 Sheva Carr: So I just want to say that. And also, Lori, I have to ask, Who's your Cabala teacher? 153 00:18:32.570 --> 00:18:37.609 Laurie Levin: Here in Europe. Alison Serrar, who's in Israel. 154 00:18:38.070 --> 00:18:45.960 Laurie Levin: and I I study with Ellie chevro, David Guillem. There's so many Dan. 155 00:18:45.960 --> 00:18:49.120 Sheva Carr: Yeah. Yeah. When did you start studying Kabala? 156 00:18:49.120 --> 00:18:50.560 Laurie Levin: Over 10 years ago. 157 00:18:51.210 --> 00:18:53.594 Sheva Carr: Cool. Robert and I met at the caballa center. 158 00:18:53.860 --> 00:19:03.689 Laurie Levin: Oh, you shared that with me a couple of years ago, and I was like, Oh, my gosh! That's amazing that our past have continued to come that way. Yeah. 159 00:19:03.690 --> 00:19:06.600 Sheva Carr: I've known Alice Cheva for 30 years. 160 00:19:06.600 --> 00:19:10.219 Laurie Levin: I listen to her many times a week on her podcast. 161 00:19:10.220 --> 00:19:13.190 Sheva Carr: That's beautiful. Yeah. 162 00:19:13.660 --> 00:19:17.758 Laurie Levin: I'd like to start off, and I hope hope you don't mind. I just want to read 163 00:19:18.180 --> 00:19:27.089 Laurie Levin: something here. It's I wrote a book that came out 2,021, and I'll just if you can. I don't know if you can see it here with the background. 164 00:19:27.090 --> 00:19:29.438 Sheva Carr: Yeah, we need you to turn your background off. 165 00:19:29.700 --> 00:19:33.570 Laurie Levin: It will come up at the end as well, so I'll show you. But 166 00:19:33.930 --> 00:19:45.739 Laurie Levin: I just this took me over almost 15 years to write. It spanned that amount of time. For me it was. It was difficult to write, but it's called, call me a woman on our way to equality and peace. 167 00:19:45.780 --> 00:19:48.160 Laurie Levin: and when I saw the title. 168 00:19:48.250 --> 00:19:54.750 Laurie Levin: a theme of the event this year accelerating the achievement of gender equality, it was like, Oh, my gosh! 169 00:19:54.910 --> 00:20:02.809 Laurie Levin: Just the path, you know, just the parallel path here, so I'll just be. I'll just read a couple chapters, a couple, not a couple chapters. I'm sorry. Couple paragraphs. 170 00:20:02.940 --> 00:20:10.169 Laurie Levin: What became apparent to me early in life is that it is time for the patriarchy to be dismantled in every country in the world. 171 00:20:10.190 --> 00:20:14.059 Laurie Levin: There's no important, more important work today than that of equality. 172 00:20:14.740 --> 00:20:26.509 Laurie Levin: We understand the civil rights of all human beings are inextricably linked. If we are to reduce and eliminate our greatest challenges, ensuring that everyone has a fair shot at life must be our goal. 173 00:20:26.940 --> 00:20:33.639 Laurie Levin: We are on one team, and it's called humanity. We live in different countries on this beautiful planet and different communities. 174 00:20:33.690 --> 00:20:41.079 Laurie Levin: different families. Yet we were all human beings, deeply connected to one another, and our planet desiring love. 175 00:20:41.310 --> 00:20:46.110 Laurie Levin: freedom, safety and the opportunity to achieve happiness and success 176 00:20:46.330 --> 00:20:53.170 Laurie Levin: for peace and a healthy, sustainable planet. We need each person to be strong, to be healthy, to be free 177 00:20:53.340 --> 00:20:54.590 Laurie Levin: to be equal. 178 00:20:54.790 --> 00:20:57.599 Laurie Levin: We're on our way. Let's speed it up. 179 00:20:57.620 --> 00:21:12.969 Laurie Levin: So that's what I've been working on for, you know. 4 or 5 decades was speeding up the closing of the gender gap. So when I saw accelerating the achievement of gender equality, I was really excited. Even more so, more excited because I I I knew that I was 180 00:21:13.340 --> 00:21:18.773 Laurie Levin: while it was going to be a long trip. 20 to 25 h is what it takes to get there and back. 181 00:21:19.060 --> 00:21:21.119 Laurie Levin: it was going to be worth my time. 182 00:21:21.290 --> 00:21:24.259 Laurie Levin: So gonna go ahead and oop. Let's see. 183 00:21:24.620 --> 00:21:25.920 Laurie Levin: how do I? 184 00:21:26.350 --> 00:21:32.009 Laurie Levin: Okay, that's how I advance the screen. Okay, seems like it's different each time. So this is just my first 185 00:21:32.230 --> 00:21:57.189 Laurie Levin: day of coming to the event, you know, flying over from Spain, and what I experienced and saw on Saturday, as I went in, I was commuting from my sister's house in New Jersey, which was a 2 h commute each day, which was really fascinating because I met so many New Yorkers as I was going typically the wrong direction on the subway or the train, or by foot, and they redirected me and got me on my path. 186 00:21:57.490 --> 00:22:12.000 Laurie Levin: So some beautiful pictures of what I saw that first weekend at the event, and what I want to share with you is just 14 slides is what inspired me most 3 things that inspired me so much. I'll never, but they'll never leave me 187 00:22:12.060 --> 00:22:19.099 Laurie Levin: the sessions that I attended. Just so you could see where I hung out. And what's kind of the work that I'm you know, been most interested in 188 00:22:19.660 --> 00:22:24.590 Laurie Levin: a few session highlights, and then the way forward as I see it. That be okay. 189 00:22:25.060 --> 00:22:27.110 Laurie Levin: that sound good. Okay. 190 00:22:29.880 --> 00:22:32.050 Laurie Levin: So what inspired me most. 191 00:22:32.800 --> 00:22:43.909 Laurie Levin: I was overwhelmed with the love and support that I felt from the international community. I mean, I don't know. There are no words to really describe it. One of the sessions, and I'll mention that in just a minute. 192 00:22:44.690 --> 00:22:55.559 Laurie Levin: which I felt tremendous fatigue in, and I'll explain why that was in as soon as people started talking, and I was hearing where they were from. I was amazed 193 00:22:55.790 --> 00:22:58.080 Laurie Levin: that they we were all coming together 194 00:22:58.160 --> 00:23:04.640 Laurie Levin: over 8,000 attendees, who share a common interest and understanding in this one thing as I felt it. 195 00:23:04.780 --> 00:23:14.239 Laurie Levin: the best way toward peace and prosperity is to close the gender gap. This gap is the cause of our greatest challenges and points us squarely in the face of the solution. 196 00:23:14.440 --> 00:23:24.620 Laurie Levin: I felt that collaboration, that connection, the support, the love like. I've never felt it in any room before, as I felt there. That first event that I went to 197 00:23:25.325 --> 00:23:42.730 Laurie Levin: and th. This is so important to me because I'm a data person. I'm a a 25 year corporate executive. And then I I did research. And I continue to do research almost every day. I love reading studies and data. So I hope I don't bore you too much with a little bit of data. But this is why 198 00:23:42.920 --> 00:23:49.739 Laurie Levin: we need to speed this up. Women's political and economic parity are still, you know, over a century away. 199 00:23:50.110 --> 00:23:57.109 Laurie Levin: or political parity. We're a hundred plus years for economic parity. We're 200 plus years these numbers haven't changed 200 00:23:57.200 --> 00:23:58.899 Laurie Levin: in years and years. 201 00:23:58.910 --> 00:24:04.760 Laurie Levin: So the idea of speeding this up is still most important to me. It's never changed. The webinar is. 202 00:24:04.760 --> 00:24:09.400 Sheva Carr: Just so, you know, heart ambassadors is a very data driven community. We have 203 00:24:09.490 --> 00:24:14.340 Sheva Carr: weekly scientific literature reviews. Maybe you'll want to start joining this. 204 00:24:14.630 --> 00:24:20.510 Laurie Levin: Okay, thank you. Yeah. I love data can't get enough data. I actually, I'm reading it all the time. 205 00:24:21.000 --> 00:24:23.219 Laurie Levin: The women. And in Afghanistan 206 00:24:23.510 --> 00:24:32.330 Laurie Levin: I can't think of a scarier place to be right to be female, and particularly one like me who's outspoken. And you know, in the trenches, so are these women. 207 00:24:32.360 --> 00:24:37.360 Laurie Levin: even though they're confined to their homes, their courage, their ongoing engagement, their commitment 208 00:24:37.380 --> 00:24:41.659 Laurie Levin: really is amazing. In the hardest place in the world to be female 209 00:24:42.040 --> 00:24:56.489 Laurie Levin: Afghanistan was just named the most unhappy population in the world, and you know in in in the last, what is a year or so they've been named the worst economy. So you can see the difference. This demonstrates the impact that women's absence and presence 210 00:24:56.620 --> 00:24:57.740 Laurie Levin: makes. 211 00:24:57.950 --> 00:25:01.359 Laurie Levin: And you know the impact it has on the quality of life for all. 212 00:25:01.480 --> 00:25:05.369 Laurie Levin: When we're present, when we're not, that difference can really be 213 00:25:05.750 --> 00:25:22.900 Laurie Levin: demonstrated by way of Afghanistan. And I've met many women from Afghanistan. I continue to talk to them. The journalists and I have a meeting this week. My third meeting with an Afghan journalist who is on the target list in Afghanistan, and I'm really excited to continue to get to know her. 214 00:25:23.010 --> 00:25:28.420 Laurie Levin: And then learning about the vast amount of research and boots on the ground, doing the good work to end, gender poverty. 215 00:25:28.830 --> 00:25:32.760 Laurie Levin: So again, 3 things that inspired me most. 216 00:25:33.750 --> 00:25:35.589 Laurie Levin: the sessions that I attended 217 00:25:35.940 --> 00:25:40.640 Laurie Levin: US. Economic inequality, the Equal Rights amendment catalyst for change. 218 00:25:40.790 --> 00:25:47.460 Laurie Levin: ending economic, gender-based violence, unveiling the nexus between gender-based violence and women's economic freedom. 219 00:25:48.310 --> 00:25:50.860 Laurie Levin: Afghan journalist under the Taliban 220 00:25:50.950 --> 00:25:59.109 Laurie Levin: the care economy in an evolving world. This is about equal share giving. I can't read pictures. I wonder if I can move everybody's picture 221 00:26:00.630 --> 00:26:01.759 Laurie Levin: not getting the first one. 222 00:26:01.760 --> 00:26:04.710 Sheva Carr: Sorry if you go to the upper right. 223 00:26:05.100 --> 00:26:11.850 Sheva Carr: where you'll see a little box that says, view the upper right corner of your zoom screen. 224 00:26:13.440 --> 00:26:15.549 Laurie Levin: Yep. Very good. Okay. 225 00:26:15.940 --> 00:26:20.350 Sheva Carr: And if you click, view you can click side by side, gallery. 226 00:26:21.220 --> 00:26:28.699 Laurie Levin: That's what I was hoping. But I'm not seeing that on mine, and I'm not getting access to a cursor. Only my keyboard. 227 00:26:29.530 --> 00:26:30.590 Sheva Carr: okay, like. 228 00:26:30.590 --> 00:26:39.539 Laurie Levin: May not be operating, but that's okay. You can read it. I don't need to read necessarily for you, but equal share giving. Gloria Steinem said, got the quote of this. 229 00:26:39.540 --> 00:26:47.399 Sheva Carr: Actually, I'm going to. I am gonna ask you to read them because we do have members of our community who see with their ears. 230 00:26:49.280 --> 00:26:50.480 Sheva Carr: not their eyes. 231 00:26:50.480 --> 00:26:52.309 Laurie Levin: Wish I could move that. And I 232 00:26:52.990 --> 00:26:53.930 Laurie Levin: heading, Yeah. 233 00:26:53.930 --> 00:26:54.940 Sandra Solano: I could. I could! 234 00:26:54.940 --> 00:26:56.089 Sheva Carr: But how could it come from? 235 00:26:56.850 --> 00:26:58.690 Sheva Carr: Yeah? You could ask us to read them. 236 00:26:59.340 --> 00:27:04.739 Laurie Levin: Somebody else read them. I'd love to have somebody else read each of those. Thank you. Great suggestion. 237 00:27:04.740 --> 00:27:05.730 Sheva Carr: Alright, Sandra. 238 00:27:05.920 --> 00:27:19.430 Sandra Solano: Yeah. So we have us the right that the care of economy in an evolving world, equal sharing of care, giving, and household responsibilities between men and women as a tool for social equity and cohesion. 239 00:27:20.890 --> 00:27:28.809 Sandra Solano: No poverty, eradication without empowerment of women and girls next steps for the future of Afghanistan 240 00:27:29.390 --> 00:27:34.399 Sandra Solano: boys don't cry the role of man in preventing gender, but based violence. 241 00:27:35.170 --> 00:27:39.019 Sandra Solano: transforming the performing arts. Commodification of women. 242 00:27:40.160 --> 00:27:44.249 Sheva Carr: So that was our by the way, that was the fear of Foundation's presentation. 243 00:27:46.097 --> 00:27:51.279 Sandra Solano: Accelerate gender equity, equality through mentorship, and entrepreneurship. 244 00:27:52.400 --> 00:27:53.889 Sheva Carr: I was also ours. 245 00:27:54.490 --> 00:27:55.460 Laurie Levin: Right? Oh. 246 00:27:55.620 --> 00:27:56.960 Laurie Levin: sound, interesting. 247 00:27:58.310 --> 00:28:02.470 Lynne Jensen: I see a couple more on there that Sandra didn't read. I don't know. 248 00:28:02.910 --> 00:28:05.029 Sandra Solano: Oh, she had already read them on the top. 249 00:28:05.550 --> 00:28:06.320 Lynne Jensen: Okay. 250 00:28:06.950 --> 00:28:14.760 Laurie Levin: Yes, yes, so those are the sessions I chose to attend, very difficult to choose, because there's about 10 sessions per hour. 251 00:28:15.090 --> 00:28:20.950 Laurie Levin: 2 week event so really tough to choose. But these are the ones that I ended up attending. 252 00:28:22.960 --> 00:28:37.629 Laurie Levin: all all areas I'm very passionate about today. So this one is this. This. This has continued in my life for about 45 48 years. Now, if you look at the picture to the right, you'll see an era. Rally 253 00:28:38.260 --> 00:28:44.500 Laurie Levin: Springfield, Illinois. This is June of 1,982, and I'll never forget getting on a bus. I'm from St. Louis, Missouri. 254 00:28:45.168 --> 00:29:05.859 Laurie Levin: with, you know, busload of women and traveling to Springfield, Illinois, for the rally so the Equal Rights Amendment are those 24 little words that you see at the top of the screen. And this is what we were all working so hard on, and thought that by attending this rally that really we were very close. We saw such an amazing crowd assembled. It was 255 00:29:06.010 --> 00:29:22.570 Laurie Levin: probably 10,000 of us there at the Capitol building, and it we just felt like we were, you know, moving forward. Well, that was 1982, and of course the Equal Rights Amendment was written by Alice Paul in 1922. So we're over a hundred years, and we still don't have 256 00:29:23.070 --> 00:29:24.090 Laurie Levin: women 257 00:29:24.630 --> 00:29:49.669 Laurie Levin: in the Us. Constitution. Women, as a matter of fact, have only one constitutional right. That's the right to vote. It's one of the very few. It's a handful of countries in the world where this is the case. This has been a passion of mine, as I said, for 45 years on the flight from Spain. I'm sorry from the flight from Washington, DC. As I was leaving the United States to move to Spain to be closer to my daughter. Lives in Dublin, Ireland just had my first grandchild. 258 00:29:50.360 --> 00:30:02.969 Laurie Levin: Tears just were coming to my eyes, and I knew that I was sad because I was leaving the United States, and that's my country. I was leaving the place. My parents are buried. I was leaving the place I was raised, my daughter was raised. 259 00:30:03.210 --> 00:30:05.200 Laurie Levin: My friends and family are there. 260 00:30:05.430 --> 00:30:07.660 Laurie Levin: yet would pang to me the most 261 00:30:07.850 --> 00:30:08.980 Laurie Levin: was this. 262 00:30:09.100 --> 00:30:12.289 Laurie Levin: that we still hadn't passed the Equal Rights Amendment 263 00:30:12.610 --> 00:30:21.100 Laurie Levin: still brings tears to my eyes because it feels like such a failure. You know I felt as part of this for so long. What had us fail? 264 00:30:21.490 --> 00:30:30.299 Laurie Levin: And it was in that moment, though at 36,000 feet above that, my next business venture came to me. As a result of that question. 265 00:30:30.570 --> 00:30:35.749 Laurie Levin: you know that's what I've been trained to do is ask questions. Ask my heart. Why did we fail? 266 00:30:35.900 --> 00:30:41.530 Laurie Levin: So I'll get to that in just a moment as well, but you can see that the cost of being a woman, as you probably 267 00:30:41.570 --> 00:30:43.510 Laurie Levin: most of you know, is too high. 268 00:30:44.080 --> 00:31:01.659 Laurie Levin: We are the United States is just one of 13 high income countries that has not guaranteed paid paternity leave nor maternity leave very few. Just one of 2 high income countries. That hasn't done that. My daughter lives in Dublin, Ireland just had my first grandchild. She got a year off paid 269 00:31:02.080 --> 00:31:11.460 Laurie Levin: for her child right? It's amazing. Right? Well, not in Ireland. That's something that they they've they've had in place for for decades. 270 00:31:11.470 --> 00:31:20.330 Laurie Levin: Our maternal mortality rates are some of the fastest rising in the world, and they're just abhorrent for black and indigenous women. 271 00:31:20.610 --> 00:31:26.050 Laurie Levin: And of course the money that women make is so much less that by the time. We're my age. 272 00:31:26.160 --> 00:31:44.259 Laurie Levin: We have, you know, half a million dollars less in our bank accounts. If we have a 4 year degree. If we have a Master's degree. We have over a, you know, a million dollars less than men do doing the same jobs. So this is quite a detriment to go into your senior years with and to live. 273 00:31:44.290 --> 00:31:50.529 Laurie Levin: you know, even, you know, as a younger person, because you're just not paid oftentimes enough to take care of your family. 274 00:31:50.640 --> 00:31:59.390 Laurie Levin: and even in jobs where women dominate, we're paid less. And then, of course, we're penalized for having children and being caregivers in so many professions today. 275 00:31:59.630 --> 00:32:03.909 Laurie Levin: Course, very important today is reproductive health care as it is always 276 00:32:04.000 --> 00:32:07.630 Laurie Levin: critical component of economic equality. And we're working hard. 277 00:32:07.650 --> 00:32:28.949 Laurie Levin: 40 years ago I was helping people walk into planned parentheses and so forth throughout St. Louis, so that that topic also is near and dear to me, and sad that we're still working on that one as well. So the Equal Rights Amendment. We still have a long ways to go. As a matter of fact, I still I feel it's still just as far off, even though we've ratified it by the number of required States 278 00:32:28.970 --> 00:32:36.500 Laurie Levin: and number of Congress members. So two-thirds of Congress, 3 fourths of the States have all ratified the Equal Rent Rights Amendment 279 00:32:36.520 --> 00:32:51.589 Laurie Levin: yet it hasn't been published. That's the only thing that's left to do, and we we're not getting that done so, I you'd say, Oh, well, we're so much closer. In fact, I don't feel that we are any closer than we were back in 1,982 when I attended that event. 280 00:32:52.630 --> 00:32:58.540 Laurie Levin: So what impact will the era have will clarify the discrimination based on sex is illegal. 281 00:32:58.730 --> 00:33:10.466 Laurie Levin: This is most important, it will place the burden of proof on those who discriminate instead of those who are being discriminated against. This is a reason we lost the led better case, because the burden of proof was on 282 00:33:11.160 --> 00:33:38.919 Laurie Levin: on her as opposed to the employer. Where that's not the case. When you're bringing a case to try to court or race or religion. Religious discrimination only when it ha happens with gender is the burden of proof on us. So it means that you're likely to win a case, maybe 30 versus 80 or 90 with on race and religion discrimination. So that's something. Why, another reason the Ra so very important, of course, reproductive health care. 283 00:33:39.230 --> 00:33:58.469 Laurie Levin: and we just know that the you know, we can't rely on legislators. We need something more lasting. And why, for me the era. 45 years ago. I knew that was what we needed to do. Not all these individual laws and issues we needed to get into women, into the Constitution. So what can you do? What can we all do? 284 00:33:58.510 --> 00:34:16.009 Laurie Levin: Join global movements for gender equality? Tell Biden to instruct the national Archivist to publish the era and support cedar, which is the convention on the elimination of discrimination against women. We're one of just a couple of countries in the world that doesn't support that. That's the global era. 285 00:34:16.580 --> 00:34:19.699 Laurie Levin: We haven't supported that either. The United States 286 00:34:20.340 --> 00:34:22.370 Laurie Levin: paid family and medical leave. 287 00:34:22.380 --> 00:34:26.910 Laurie Levin: The international community must put pressure on the US. To publish the RA. 288 00:34:26.960 --> 00:34:48.279 Laurie Levin: And we wanna share this information about where the Us. Stands and how far behind we are and organize at the local and state level. And I I mentioned earlier that I felt just this draining and fatigue as I sat in this event and saw the leaders that I've been on zooms with national leaders for years, were speakers at the event which was really exciting. 289 00:34:48.810 --> 00:35:01.150 Laurie Levin: and I felt such fatigue, though I was like, Oh, my gosh! I can't believe I'm hearing the same thing for a year they weren't even as old, some of them, as as you know. As long as I've been hearing that conversation. 290 00:35:01.270 --> 00:35:22.619 Laurie Levin: but I have to tell you it shifted. It shifted in seconds when I saw I looked around the room and I saw the international support for the women and men and people in the United States to get this done. They were from all over the world in that room because they knew the importance. It was for the United States to ratify the and get women in the Constitution. They've already done it. 291 00:35:22.870 --> 00:35:28.519 Laurie Levin: and they were there to support us, so that my spirit I it just was so uplifting 292 00:35:28.550 --> 00:35:35.079 Laurie Levin: to really be part of that community right there, talking about the equal rights, and then first time I've ever experienced that, of course. 293 00:35:36.390 --> 00:35:49.970 Laurie Levin: then ending economic gender based violence was the next session I attended. All of these were just marvelous. You know. The statistics, of course, are very, very grand. They haven't changed, and as long as I've been looking at data they haven't changed one in 3 women. 294 00:35:50.110 --> 00:36:07.175 Laurie Levin: you know, will endure physical or sexual violence. One in 5 will be raped. I think it's closer to one in 4 myself. There's so many issues that are linked to this. And I love the World Bank leader, and I don't recall how to pronounce her last name. She's one of these that you see here? 295 00:36:08.030 --> 00:36:10.550 Laurie Levin: it's a major barrier to development. 296 00:36:10.780 --> 00:36:23.560 Laurie Levin: It's a human rights violation. It's a roadblock, Major roadblock to ending poverty, and they've taken on a 3 pillar strategy, and that is to end it. Gender-based violence to end global poverty can't do one without the other 297 00:36:23.580 --> 00:36:32.789 Laurie Levin: to identify those things specifically. That will, you know, provide gender equality country by country, and to develop women leaders that is absolutely critical. 298 00:36:32.920 --> 00:36:44.780 Laurie Levin: absolutely critical. The last place I lived in the United States was a little island off the coast is Charleston. There was only 70. I was very involved. I was the point person for for South Carolina, for the equal rights amendment. 299 00:36:45.690 --> 00:36:49.000 Laurie Levin: Only 17% of their state legislator is female. 300 00:36:49.470 --> 00:37:14.600 Laurie Levin: And I said, until you get to the 25 to 30% threshold is great. But we look, if you look state by state, those that have 25% leadership female, they are the best run states in the country. They have the highest quality of living on every key quality of life. Measure in South Carolina is at 17, and I said the era as I was leaving, I just want to share with you until you get women's leadership up. This is a dead issue in South Carolina. 301 00:37:15.300 --> 00:37:29.209 Laurie Levin: I love some of the the other countries that spoke the rep for the people. They weren't necessarily leaders. They were just people in the crowd again that speak about these things, coming from all over the world, experiencing these things. Gender based violence has increased tenfold in Tanzania. 302 00:37:29.870 --> 00:37:35.940 Laurie Levin: Can you women have to leave work early in order to be safe in order to get home safely that evening. 303 00:37:35.950 --> 00:37:50.270 Laurie Levin: and in Sweden they have cases, the the the woman said, of abusers taking out loans and women's names. They ruin their credit, run up debt to keep them locked into that. You know. Situation that they're in in that in that household. 304 00:37:50.440 --> 00:37:55.510 Laurie Levin: and gender-based violence doesn't stop when women go to work, it continues. 305 00:37:56.860 --> 00:37:58.589 Laurie Levin: so this is a 306 00:37:58.960 --> 00:38:01.009 Laurie Levin: a challenge for every country. 307 00:38:01.470 --> 00:38:04.639 Laurie Levin: a challenge for every country, and an opportunity 308 00:38:05.112 --> 00:38:08.810 Laurie Levin: for all of us to, I think, understand 309 00:38:09.030 --> 00:38:22.659 Laurie Levin: at least enough of the data where you can speak about it and be aware of it, so that when people joke about things like this, we can say, Hey, you know it's not funny, because for so many of us, and I'll raise my hand. I'm one of those statistics, so 310 00:38:22.710 --> 00:38:34.620 Laurie Levin: I speak, from the heart on this topic as the reason I chose the event. It's it's really instrumental in us achieving peace and global pro. You know, prosperity for all, and ending poverty on the planet. 311 00:38:34.830 --> 00:38:36.080 Laurie Levin: Very important 312 00:38:36.260 --> 00:38:37.050 Laurie Levin: link. 313 00:38:37.700 --> 00:38:45.050 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: Lori. The name of the for the previous shot slides is unaired. 314 00:38:46.130 --> 00:38:49.080 Laurie Levin: Oh, thank you, thank you so much. Fiera. 315 00:38:49.080 --> 00:38:49.520 Lynne Jensen: Good deal. 316 00:38:49.520 --> 00:38:50.770 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: Bierda. 317 00:38:50.970 --> 00:38:55.440 Laurie Levin: There were so many beautiful names, and I hear them in Spain all the time, and 318 00:38:55.880 --> 00:39:01.169 Laurie Levin: I can't remember them after a million, because they are pronounced so differently. So, Bierda, thank you. 319 00:39:01.170 --> 00:39:01.760 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: Yeah. The. 320 00:39:02.130 --> 00:39:08.060 Laurie Levin: Spoken person. I love listening to her. Yeah, really exciting to hear from the World Bank. 321 00:39:10.950 --> 00:39:27.759 Laurie Levin: And then the app you'll see. Picture. These are pictures from the room, obviously. And this was the the panelist. And if you can look at the woman, let's see in the middle the largest picture 2 women up on the curve table. That's the woman I continue to talk with today. Her name is Lean Lima on Wari. 322 00:39:28.042 --> 00:39:46.670 Laurie Levin: So here is the panelists of journalists. Their their lives are at risk. Of course they're not in. They were. They fled as soon as we were, you know, when that was announced that the United States was leaving. They they fled. That week. They got out. They were able to get out, obviously. And and they're here speaking. Many living in the United States today. 323 00:39:47.080 --> 00:39:51.540 Laurie Levin: So in terms of journalists, it's a very dangerous position. The man 324 00:39:51.760 --> 00:39:57.439 Laurie Levin: sitting at the table owns a newspaper actually, and he employs many female journalists. 325 00:39:57.820 --> 00:40:07.910 Laurie Levin: So he's a very brave soul as well. I loved hearing from him and his support for maintaining women journalists in spite of the Taliban takeover. 326 00:40:08.447 --> 00:40:11.439 Laurie Levin: There were good news is there were. 327 00:40:11.850 --> 00:40:22.909 Laurie Levin: When the Taliban took over. They decreased the numbers from 50, 1,400 women journalists to 400. Today there are 500. It's grown a little bit. We were excited to hear that. 328 00:40:23.060 --> 00:40:26.799 Laurie Levin: But you know so many of these journalists journalists are now living. 329 00:40:26.890 --> 00:40:32.820 Laurie Levin: and poverty because they are not allowed to leave their homes without a mail escort. 330 00:40:33.130 --> 00:40:43.470 Laurie Levin: There's very few female role models in the country any longer, and one of the saddest things for me was hearing about the boys, the little boys in these households who are now watching their mothers. 331 00:40:43.550 --> 00:40:56.579 Laurie Levin: you know, who are what? Even if they weren't professionals working outside the home, who are now seeing such a transformation in that country to women being actually imprisoned in the home and now wearing burkas. 332 00:40:56.710 --> 00:41:07.909 Laurie Levin: and what that's doing to the boys. They're very concerned about them as well. It's something we we talk about, the girls and the women. The boys is very. They're very important as well in all of this. 333 00:41:08.393 --> 00:41:13.549 Laurie Levin: You know, university are close to women, and and girls cannot go to school past sixth grade. 334 00:41:14.480 --> 00:41:17.869 Laurie Levin: So what can we do to support women journalists in Afghanistan? 335 00:41:17.970 --> 00:41:22.130 Laurie Levin: They need online education. They need financial and technical support. 336 00:41:22.240 --> 00:41:34.540 Laurie Levin: They need jobs from home, but do not want this long term. They all said, not long term. We we want to get back into the workforce. But right now we can do online work for companies outside of Afghanistan. 337 00:41:35.240 --> 00:41:39.420 Laurie Levin: they need legal support and the international support and diplomatic pressure. 338 00:41:39.520 --> 00:42:02.039 Laurie Levin: And again, the long term goal for women there is to stay, get back fully engaged in the society. It is the women that brought the economic prosperity to Afghanistan 20 in those 20 years that the Taliban was pushed out. So another again. Another example. I, when I speak to people about this, these topics, I always say, how goes the state of women? 339 00:42:02.740 --> 00:42:10.149 Laurie Levin: Because the state of the family, the community, the nation, and the world. You can look at it in every country, how the women are doing. 340 00:42:10.250 --> 00:42:13.870 Laurie Levin: That's how the quality of life it is for everybody in that country. 341 00:42:15.600 --> 00:42:40.470 Laurie Levin: the care economy. This is a really important discussion. Gloria Steinem said. Women are not going to be equal outside the home until men are equal in it. I've been passionate about this topic for a long time I I married somebody. I'm not married any longer, but he certainly did equal work in the home. That's for darn sure, and we raised our daughter to marry a man who did the same thing, although I have to say, if you know anything about Irish men 342 00:42:40.500 --> 00:42:43.489 Laurie Levin: whom my daughter married, they are all feminists. 343 00:42:43.500 --> 00:42:54.349 Laurie Levin: It's an extraordinary country where they're all pretty much just raised that way. I've just been amazed at the 10 years going to Ireland now so many times talking to so many wonderful men. 344 00:42:55.178 --> 00:42:57.750 Laurie Levin: Unpaid services are unfair to women. 345 00:42:57.840 --> 00:43:16.320 Laurie Levin: unpaid jobs as chef has started out our conversation. That. Women are, you know, taken for granted, and we we are certainly, as it relates to this. Men, you know, are trained. It's not not the fault of anybody. However, it's everybody's responsibility. And I say to men, don't just walk by her doing all this work. 346 00:43:16.440 --> 00:43:37.519 Laurie Levin: get involved and don't listen to. Oh, I've got it! You don't know how to do it. Oh, it's be easier for me to do it. Don't stop there. Go ahead and sit down and have meetings, saying, okay, what needs to be done this week, right? And and and split those things up because it so holds women back in the workforce. We're working so many more hours 347 00:43:37.690 --> 00:43:52.369 Laurie Levin: during the week, and it's very difficult to maintain. I was a vice president, a pretty big company, and I could never have maintained that job. It was very lots of hours. I worked 60 to 80 HA week, but I never missed an event of my daughters, because I was able 348 00:43:52.380 --> 00:44:19.100 Laurie Levin: to make it flexible because of the position I held. But also I want to give my daughter's father a lot of credit to for not being the kind of guy you know. Race. He was right, not raised necessarily to be that way. And yet he understood that he needed to be that way in Sweden. They're making extraordinary progress. Just, I'll point out 1 50 years of pre paid parental leave for both parents. They work very, very hard in Sweden to make sure that men and women 349 00:44:19.100 --> 00:44:26.210 Laurie Levin: are in the workforce, and in order to do that they know that they have to have men and women at home. Caregiving 350 00:44:26.230 --> 00:44:29.830 Laurie Levin: men are different. Once they give care to children. 351 00:44:29.970 --> 00:44:36.370 Laurie Levin: I talk about that in a little bit, and that's really exciting to see that connection so often spoken in these events. 352 00:44:36.710 --> 00:44:50.150 Laurie Levin: Spain. Where I live there's still a big gap, but they still certainly are making, you know, far, far advanced in so many ways than the United States, so very moving to see how countries also are learning from each other. 353 00:44:50.180 --> 00:44:54.135 Laurie Levin: I I loved hearing like we had Prime Ministers in the room, and 354 00:44:55.035 --> 00:44:55.630 Lynne Jensen: Right. 355 00:44:55.630 --> 00:45:08.219 Laurie Levin: And all kinds of people, heads of organizations. And they were going. Wow! They were asking questions. Now, how did you do that? And how did you do that and taking notes? So it's really exciting and inspiring to know that from this. 356 00:45:08.270 --> 00:45:13.709 Laurie Levin: from these annual events at the United Nations, that there is so much work going on after the event 357 00:45:15.190 --> 00:45:17.060 Laurie Levin: back to Afghanistan. 358 00:45:17.429 --> 00:45:43.660 Laurie Levin: This. This is an interesting story. No poverty, eradication, eradication without the empowerment of women and girls. This is part of the panel. There were certainly many other speakers, but when I saw this woman I was blown blown away. Her name is a Moba Suraj. I had seen her on the News World news for 2 years, and I'm just passionate about the girls and women in Afghanistan because I know where any woman is not free. None of us are. 359 00:45:43.660 --> 00:46:02.649 Laurie Levin: and the world is held back is 50% of the potential in the world is held back. And for that we're all hurting today. So she remains in Afghanistan. She's part American and part Afghan, and I think that's the reason people are saying she has. She is still alive, that the fact that she is part American and she is so well known 360 00:46:02.870 --> 00:46:05.270 Laurie Levin: nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. 361 00:46:06.060 --> 00:46:35.299 Laurie Levin: and I'd been seeing her for a couple of years, and when I looked up and I it was very fortunate how I was given the one seat that was directly in front of her. It's a interesting series of events that led me to that chair, because when I first walked in, this room was packed and I had to stand up against the wall taking notes. Now I hadn't broken my shoulder, so I both hands writing, but I prefer to use my ipad but 20 min in. A young man from the middle of the room came up and said, Ma'am, I'd like you to take my seat. 362 00:46:35.540 --> 00:46:44.219 Laurie Levin: and I said, No, no, no, that's okay. I got this, and he said it again, and I thought, you know he's 20 something years old, he said. I want to sit on the floor. I want you to have my chair. 363 00:46:44.230 --> 00:46:46.080 Laurie Levin: That was for the prior event. 364 00:46:46.190 --> 00:46:49.209 Laurie Levin: And then, when they were moving into this event. 365 00:46:49.514 --> 00:47:05.569 Laurie Levin: the room was filling up, and they said my chair neat, was needed for the next group of speakers, so I kindly said, of course I'll move, and I thought, Oh, then I need to stand up. But a woman said, No, you can sit in my seat right here, sitting directly in front of this. I mean, within a couple of feet. 366 00:47:05.570 --> 00:47:34.160 Laurie Levin: and as I looked up and I saw her, I went. Oh, my gosh! This is the woman! The reason I wanted to do everything that had anything to do with Afghanistan at the at the Commission here this year, so I've learned so much. I'm I'm getting pretty involved here, and hope to be working more. I was able to talk to her personally after the event, the asks of the Afghan women, this is what I was listening for, and what I keep asking for, because they themselves will be the change in Afghanistan. We we can't figure this out. They have to. 367 00:47:34.160 --> 00:47:37.270 Laurie Levin: We need to support them. But we need to listen. 368 00:47:37.390 --> 00:47:38.490 Laurie Levin: They want 369 00:47:39.070 --> 00:47:43.002 Laurie Levin: us to facilitate opportunities for them to meet directly with the 370 00:47:43.630 --> 00:47:46.740 Laurie Levin: link, A to better positions for girls and women. 371 00:47:46.780 --> 00:47:53.849 Laurie Levin: We should not recognize the Taliban until this ends, they say, invest in skills, enhancement for girls and women. 372 00:47:54.180 --> 00:48:07.479 Laurie Levin: Women's rights are not traded off in negotiations which so often happens, and what I why, I believe that Joe Biden, who said he would publish the era on day one of his Presidency has not done it. We were traded off. 373 00:48:08.010 --> 00:48:12.200 Laurie Levin: Make sure that 30% of all funding is targeted to women's rights 374 00:48:12.430 --> 00:48:21.420 Laurie Levin: expansion of scholarships for Afghan women. Afghan women can only go to work in education and in medical care as as 375 00:48:21.650 --> 00:48:35.810 Laurie Levin: midwives, because the Taliban only allows women working with women in the medical areas to take care of them. So they are allowed scholarships and can get medical scholarships within Afghanistan. So they're 376 00:48:35.890 --> 00:48:42.679 Laurie Levin: particularly Fenland Fenland that they say, is their best support, although the United States is their largest financial support in the world. 377 00:48:43.195 --> 00:48:52.970 Laurie Levin: But scholarships are something they're really working to to get more of. There's more women that want those, and they need long term loans with proper mentorship and coaching. 378 00:48:53.570 --> 00:49:10.489 Laurie Levin: And for the youngest panelist. And she is sitting next to Mabu Basaraj, she said, that the domestic violence in the home now is just. You can't even imagine it's skyrocketed. It's forced marriages of girls. 1011 12 years of all of age. 379 00:49:10.490 --> 00:49:25.309 Laurie Levin: It's not. They're not secure to go outside. Some are taken forcefully. If they've ever been reported to not have warned the hijab they need support for their mental wellbeing. There's more suicide now amongst the girls in Afghanistan than I think they've ever had. 380 00:49:25.653 --> 00:49:34.590 Laurie Levin: Poverty will not be eradicated without girls and women, so the country will remain in that category of worst economy in the world until this changes. 381 00:49:34.630 --> 00:49:45.269 Laurie Levin: and then again, expansion for scholarships from the international community. You can see the picture. I thought it was interesting. This was before the Taliban. If you look up in the left the the triangle. 382 00:49:45.420 --> 00:49:46.869 Laurie Levin: Women were everywhere. 383 00:49:47.010 --> 00:49:51.939 Laurie Levin: We were in all professions, you know. It was really wonderful to see that over the past 20 years in Afghanistan. 384 00:49:52.120 --> 00:50:03.599 Laurie Levin: and then, after August 2021 you there was still a few women in place. This is the future that the girls and women fear today. It's it's pretty much getting to that state. 385 00:50:06.430 --> 00:50:09.509 Laurie Levin: And then, boys, don't cry. We know that this is 386 00:50:09.680 --> 00:50:14.090 Laurie Levin: the male identity and the female identity. This is what my book is about. 387 00:50:14.110 --> 00:50:15.969 Laurie Levin: and closing the gender gap. 388 00:50:17.680 --> 00:50:28.470 Laurie Levin: You know, I talk about a human identity. Let's forget these gender identities. Let's talk about a human identity based on care, love, right, kindness and compassion, one identity for all of our children. 389 00:50:28.610 --> 00:50:35.369 Laurie Levin: and as a result that boys are not, you know, allowed, taught to express their feelings, to cry 390 00:50:35.760 --> 00:50:40.520 Laurie Levin: one of the men spoke about. He had seen us a stone, a woman stoned 391 00:50:40.910 --> 00:50:45.450 Laurie Levin: in his early years, and the girls cried, but none of the boys did 392 00:50:45.600 --> 00:50:47.570 Laurie Levin: so. This is the source 393 00:50:47.700 --> 00:50:52.899 Laurie Levin: of really all of the challenges we have on the planet is the fact that men 394 00:50:53.830 --> 00:51:02.190 Laurie Levin: are held back from being human beings, and are taught to compete, to win at all costs. And and our world really encompasses that. 395 00:51:02.752 --> 00:51:22.400 Laurie Levin: The men grow up feeling, if they, you know so many of them that do this. Of course they've seen it in their childhoods. One of their parents was violent, and oftentimes it was the father. They grew up, not feeling, you know, good enough. They often feel alone. They have poor physical and mental health. You can see substance, abuse 396 00:51:22.704 --> 00:51:43.719 Laurie Levin: it goes on and on depression. Suicide amongst men is highest in the United States, much higher in men than women, at least in violent suicide as well. So men need to put words to trauma. We heard from the experts of the room. There was just so many wonderful speakers. Many, most of the speakers were men in this particular room, I believe, at least 50 50. 397 00:51:44.167 --> 00:51:48.890 Laurie Levin: This! And I talked about the speaker who spoke about witnessing an honor killing 398 00:51:50.261 --> 00:51:58.710 Laurie Levin: they suggest. One of the country says we must talk to men and make them aware about how unhealthy this was. Spain, how unhealthy it is to be macho. 399 00:51:58.970 --> 00:52:03.450 Laurie Levin: redistribute the care work, calling upon men to do their job. 400 00:52:03.918 --> 00:52:11.890 Laurie Levin: One of the men said, women have done theirs. These are quotes, actually, men who care for their children become better people and less violent. 401 00:52:12.510 --> 00:52:19.719 Laurie Levin: Who? Yes, who care for children in Mexico. They call it a mindset revolution. They're doing lots of work in Mexico around this 402 00:52:19.740 --> 00:52:24.389 Laurie Levin: a country that desperately needs it. I lived there for a couple of years when I was 19 to 21. 403 00:52:24.760 --> 00:52:29.090 Laurie Levin: That was my first case of sexual assault, but it was by an American man. 404 00:52:29.540 --> 00:52:41.690 Laurie Levin: Women have been brave for decades, one speaker said, women have led for decades on this. It is time this was a man. It is time for men to take responsibility and do the work to end male violence. 405 00:52:44.440 --> 00:52:47.089 Laurie Levin: And then the extraordinary fiera foundation. 406 00:52:47.400 --> 00:52:57.099 Laurie Levin: not just because you are in the room, but I want to say these are 2 of the most beautifully assembled events. I was in awe of the orchestration of these events. 407 00:52:57.570 --> 00:53:00.779 Laurie Levin: How they how they felt being in that room. 408 00:53:01.167 --> 00:53:06.529 Laurie Levin: I don't know. If everybody in the room was, at those events, I I'm assuming that some were 409 00:53:06.840 --> 00:53:13.150 Laurie Levin: not every no, not everybody, maybe not most. Oh, my gosh! If you get a chance to see those recordings 410 00:53:13.380 --> 00:53:38.080 Laurie Levin: beautifully orchestrated, so wonderful job to those in the room. I I believe Belinda and Chevro were very responsible. I would have a feeling right for these events. It was just beautifully done. I was captured. They were, you know, these were. This was a long week going to all these events, back and forth for me. I'm so glad there's one, I thought, oh, I'm so tired I don't know if I can go to this. I'm so glad I went. One was Monday. One was Tuesday. 411 00:53:39.200 --> 00:54:08.589 Laurie Levin: Just a few of the things that I remembered so well was cheva talking and picturing the athletes. I was very athletic. My family. All of us were and I the the attire, and I've always said, look at the volleyball women and the Olympics. What they're wearing. Look with the the at the swimmers and the Olympics are wearing versus the guys. Well, not the guys. They're wearing pretty little little skimpy kind of suits as well. Actresses, singers. It's the standard, as Chevro pointed out, it's the culture, right? 412 00:54:08.650 --> 00:54:14.320 Laurie Levin: So often represented as female economic empowerment when it is actually female exploitation. 413 00:54:14.450 --> 00:54:16.399 Laurie Levin: These are lines from the events 414 00:54:16.550 --> 00:54:22.710 Laurie Levin: when we play, quotes, when we place our lives in the hands of another person, there is chaos and confusion. 415 00:54:23.770 --> 00:54:33.600 Laurie Levin: The heart empowers us to make other choices as we evolve, so will our culture. And there was a beautiful play, and I'm sorry I don't have her name in front of me. The play. 416 00:54:33.600 --> 00:54:34.370 Sheva Carr: That's. 417 00:54:34.760 --> 00:54:35.469 Laurie Levin: Pardon me. 418 00:54:36.590 --> 00:54:36.900 Sheva Carr: Yeah. 419 00:54:37.520 --> 00:54:38.290 Laurie Levin: Her name. 420 00:54:38.690 --> 00:54:41.200 Sheva Carr: Bella, Bella, Merlin. 421 00:54:41.600 --> 00:54:42.300 Laurie Levin: Oh! 422 00:54:42.840 --> 00:54:43.590 Sheva Carr: Love. We're in the. 423 00:54:43.590 --> 00:54:47.490 Laurie Levin: Amazing actress. 1 one person show right. 424 00:54:47.620 --> 00:54:50.730 Laurie Levin: and what she captures is her evolution 425 00:54:50.840 --> 00:54:51.890 Laurie Levin: from 426 00:54:52.270 --> 00:55:10.710 Laurie Levin: letting somebody else define her right, letting culture and letting another person define her and her evolving and coming of age, in that it was just beautifully, beautifully done, so extraordinary assembly, again, of the play, of the pictures of the 427 00:55:10.710 --> 00:55:31.330 Laurie Levin: the women, how we, how we dress in in these industries that we're professionals, and yet we barely have anything on most of the time and then accelerating gender equality through mentorship and entrepreneurship. There was so many of the delicates, such a part of this, and they each had something really wonderful to say, I love this, not about learning something new, but remembering something true 428 00:55:31.330 --> 00:55:47.059 Laurie Levin: to me, I that just resonated with my heart. It's about coming back to our heart. You know humanity right. Wh. What is it? Has that child thrive? What is it that has a human being thrive? It's not to win at all costs. Right. It's win, win. It's not win, lose. 429 00:55:47.170 --> 00:55:52.890 Laurie Levin: Our masculine energy is doing building. I'm sorry. Got doing twice doing building. 430 00:55:52.980 --> 00:56:09.019 Laurie Levin: You get the idea there are feminine in energy is collaboration innovation of, we need both of those right that's in every one of us. And we need that balance and that imbalance that's within us, due to those gender identities is the imbalance we see in the world. 431 00:56:09.300 --> 00:56:16.240 Laurie Levin: So balancing the 2 is our opportunity. It's such an extraordinary opportunity to transform self and all existence. 432 00:56:16.500 --> 00:56:35.090 Laurie Levin: And I love this. You know you're out of balance when you're not connecting with your intuition. Your hearts enter guidance, the ultimate, the ultimate mentor is within each of us. So those were the events that I attended, and I'll just wrap up with a final page. I'd love to stay in touch with everybody in any way I can. So I just put oh. 433 00:56:35.240 --> 00:56:48.869 Laurie Levin: one more. I'm sorry. This is a beautiful picture that's outside of Conference Room 4 at the the United Nations Building. Just beautiful as you walk in. I'm gonna ask somebody else to read the quote. If you don't mind. 434 00:56:49.950 --> 00:57:00.910 Laurie Levin: I love this quote because it just captured the way I feel about moving forward versus working on an individual legislation today versus working on a campaign 435 00:57:01.100 --> 00:57:06.169 Laurie Levin: as I've done for 40 or 50 years. I'm choosing this as my new 436 00:57:06.200 --> 00:57:09.912 Laurie Levin: way forward. And would somebody like to read that quote? Please. 437 00:57:10.250 --> 00:57:10.950 Melinda: I won't get it. 438 00:57:10.950 --> 00:57:12.450 Lynne Jensen: I heard. 439 00:57:13.200 --> 00:57:14.670 Melinda: Everybody wants to. 440 00:57:15.280 --> 00:57:17.149 Laurie Levin: A couple people can. I wouldn't mind if. 441 00:57:17.150 --> 00:57:19.480 Sheva Carr: Go ahead! Margaret, go ahead, Margaret! 442 00:57:19.480 --> 00:57:20.460 Laurie Levin: The great quote. 443 00:57:21.500 --> 00:57:25.359 Margaret Heath: Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. 444 00:57:25.590 --> 00:57:27.760 Margaret Heath: All things break. 445 00:57:28.070 --> 00:57:31.329 Margaret Heath: and all things can be mended. 446 00:57:31.460 --> 00:57:35.879 Margaret Heath: not with time, as they say, but with intention. 447 00:57:36.310 --> 00:57:37.720 Margaret Heath: So go 448 00:57:37.840 --> 00:57:43.229 Margaret Heath: love, intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. 449 00:57:43.430 --> 00:57:49.499 Margaret Heath: the broken world waits in darkness for the light that is, you. 450 00:57:52.210 --> 00:57:58.930 Laurie Levin: Do you not feel this from this beautiful picture here, as I saw that I was running out for the next session? 451 00:57:58.980 --> 00:58:12.126 Laurie Levin: You know I was always running there, going to the next session. I wanted to get a seat because oftentimes those rooms were so crowded, and I saw this, and I said, no, I've got to stop and get a picture of that. And and that quote, it's a fame, a favorite. Quote it. 452 00:58:12.810 --> 00:58:24.659 Laurie Levin: it speaks to me. It's the light within is the way forward. So I just wanna share that for me as somebody who's a feminist and asked a social justice activist my whole life. 453 00:58:25.099 --> 00:58:35.150 Laurie Levin: I do feel and sense that a new world is coming. There's no question about, and it's going to take a new way of being. Einstein, of course, was the one that said, you can't sell 454 00:58:35.340 --> 00:58:45.360 Laurie Levin: the problems right with the same mindset that created them. And I realized for 40 years I had the same mindset that created the problem. I was essentially part of the problem. 455 00:58:45.510 --> 00:58:51.329 Laurie Levin: And so my work today, my new website just launched it a couple right before the event. Actually. 456 00:58:51.460 --> 00:58:54.549 Laurie Levin: I really raised to get that done because I wanted that 457 00:58:54.620 --> 00:59:00.759 Laurie Levin: so that I could go off and not have to even think about that. I just wanted to so focus on the the Commission, on the status of women. 458 00:59:01.431 --> 00:59:16.879 Laurie Levin: But it's it's really about spiritual and physical wellbeing. Once we're all there, it's through elevating consciousness with the power of the heart. So my work is heartmat, cabala, blue zones, whole food plant based nutrition. It's about fueling our body emotionally and nutritionally. 459 00:59:17.296 --> 00:59:35.979 Laurie Levin: You know, from that which has us all thrive, and we know how to do that today. We've always known how to do that. It's just a matter of remembering. So thank you so very much. I really treasure each of you for being here today. And I know each and one of you is so committed 460 00:59:36.410 --> 00:59:47.649 Laurie Levin: to a better world for all of us. So thank you for all all that you do, and Chev and Melinda thank you so much again for saying yes to me when I reached out to you. Thank you. 461 00:59:48.150 --> 00:59:54.118 Sheva Carr: Lori, do you have any extra time for some questions? I would imagine. I know I have a few. Does anyone. 462 00:59:54.390 --> 00:59:56.350 Laurie Levin: Absolutely did I? I think I 463 00:59:57.820 --> 00:59:59.820 Laurie Levin: did. I leave the share. 464 01:00:00.730 --> 01:00:02.599 Sheva Carr: Yes, you left share. 465 01:00:03.374 --> 01:00:07.789 Sheva Carr: and maybe you can put your website and contact information in the chat as well. 466 01:00:07.980 --> 01:00:08.580 Sheva Carr: Sure. 467 01:00:08.580 --> 01:00:10.730 Laurie Levin: With my one hand. So give me a moment. 468 01:00:11.320 --> 01:00:12.680 Laurie Levin: I want to get back to the screen. 469 01:00:12.680 --> 01:00:17.249 Sheva Carr: She's doing that. Let's all take a moment to breathe some love 470 01:00:17.550 --> 01:00:20.070 Sheva Carr: into Laurie's shoulders. Knowing 471 01:00:22.380 --> 01:00:26.969 Sheva Carr: an appreciation for this amazing presentation. 472 01:00:49.630 --> 01:00:54.939 Sheva Carr: and also appreciation for the many, many decades of seasoned activism. 473 01:01:18.350 --> 01:01:20.280 Sheva Carr: Beautiful. Thank you, Larry. 474 01:01:21.500 --> 01:01:22.740 Laurie Levin: Welcome, my pleasure. 475 01:01:23.230 --> 01:01:26.509 Sheva Carr: Does anyone have questions for Lori? 476 01:01:28.320 --> 01:01:30.690 Sheva Carr: While you're pondering I'll kick them off. 477 01:01:30.970 --> 01:01:34.636 Sheva Carr: I'm curious, Lori, cause. Obviously I've 478 01:01:36.460 --> 01:01:40.400 Sheva Carr: run delegations to the Csw. Now for over a decade. 479 01:01:40.600 --> 01:01:44.410 Sheva Carr: and I'm curious from your perspective as 480 01:01:44.620 --> 01:01:49.049 Sheva Carr: a an era marathoner rather than sprinter. 481 01:01:50.210 --> 01:01:57.970 Sheva Carr: What is what is the current holdup in opposition to the area. Why was Biden negotiated out of it. 482 01:01:59.450 --> 01:02:00.679 Sheva Carr: and by whom. 483 01:02:03.410 --> 01:02:08.300 Laurie Levin: This is the sense that I have from this. So, Donald trump. 484 01:02:08.520 --> 01:02:11.900 Laurie Levin: Once it was ratified by that 38 State State. 485 01:02:11.990 --> 01:02:15.339 Laurie Levin: We went from Nevada to Illinois, to Virginia. 486 01:02:15.540 --> 01:02:20.800 Laurie Levin: 2,017, 2,018, 2,020, ratifying, getting to the 38 State. 487 01:02:21.450 --> 01:02:28.799 Laurie Levin: Once we did that. All that we needed was the National Archivist to publish it. Donald Trump's administration 488 01:02:29.260 --> 01:02:32.330 Laurie Levin: told the National Archivist not to publish it. 489 01:02:33.540 --> 01:02:36.290 Laurie Levin: So I'll just say this is 490 01:02:36.350 --> 01:02:40.360 Laurie Levin: the feeling that I have about this over decades of working on this, that. 491 01:02:40.680 --> 01:02:49.849 Laurie Levin: and looking back at what held it up in 1922, because it's been introduced into every legislature that's existed, every every 492 01:02:50.010 --> 01:02:55.330 Laurie Levin: every session. It's been introduced, and why it fails is that the goal post keeps moving 493 01:02:55.860 --> 01:02:57.739 Laurie Levin: because of the patriarchy. 494 01:02:57.790 --> 01:03:03.089 Laurie Levin: So the patriarchy must keep women constitutionally unequal. 495 01:03:03.190 --> 01:03:13.690 Laurie Levin: Right? It's the reason you have the extreme in Afghanistan. No education for girls and women, while we've ex, you know, certainly have that there are other things we don't have, and that's constitutional equity. 496 01:03:14.217 --> 01:03:24.570 Laurie Levin: And it's the reason so many things go against us legislatively, is because they can't point to the Constitution and say that women are in it, whether it's abortion or whatever we can, we consistently lose. 497 01:03:24.830 --> 01:03:30.210 Laurie Levin: So when Biden got into office. He made that statement, and women, of course, got him into office. 498 01:03:30.420 --> 01:03:44.220 Laurie Levin: What happened was, I mean, you could just feel the tide turning with it, and I've been on zooms, you know, for so long as he got into office, wondering, Well, where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Is that politically the climate was such that if he had. 499 01:03:44.260 --> 01:03:50.470 Laurie Levin: he would have literally created even more divide division coming out of the trump 500 01:03:51.310 --> 01:03:52.620 Laurie Levin: 4 years. 501 01:03:53.120 --> 01:03:54.380 Laurie Levin: because 502 01:03:54.660 --> 01:03:58.979 Laurie Levin: there have been so many reasons why people have argued against the era 503 01:03:59.080 --> 01:04:10.640 Laurie Levin: right now. It's the deadline that was put in place which is arbitrary, because it took the 27. The era is the 20 Eighth Amendment, and the Twenty-seventh Amendment took over 200 years. 504 01:04:10.680 --> 01:04:16.660 Laurie Levin: So you know, equality. There are no time limits to equality. But it was the political climate, Chevy. 505 01:04:16.800 --> 01:04:23.029 Laurie Levin: that had him back off feeling. Oh, my gosh! If I do this, I will lose on so many other fronts. 506 01:04:24.590 --> 01:04:30.159 Laurie Levin: Again, women's rights are traded off every time, every country 507 01:04:30.380 --> 01:04:35.210 Laurie Levin: it happens again and again and again. It it just keeps going. 508 01:04:35.570 --> 01:04:36.209 Lynne Jensen: Bob, you can. 509 01:04:36.210 --> 01:04:46.009 Laurie Levin: The patriarchy is is the way of the world. Right? In most countries that's pretty much what you get outside of Iceland. You know, countries. 510 01:04:46.010 --> 01:04:52.939 Sheva Carr: Well, actually, Iceland does not pop. It's just Iceland's got some major issues. 511 01:04:53.190 --> 01:04:59.609 Sheva Carr: But Sweden is really the forerunner at the moment for women's constitutional rights and 512 01:05:00.430 --> 01:05:03.100 Sheva Carr: bystander involvement and protection. 513 01:05:04.020 --> 01:05:04.739 Sheva Carr: Well, I so. 514 01:05:04.740 --> 01:05:11.470 Laurie Levin: Been number one place in the world. Typically for women there are 10. There's about 1020. I have it in my book. 515 01:05:11.470 --> 01:05:15.030 Sheva Carr: But let's just say it. It's not for the record. 516 01:05:15.190 --> 01:05:19.619 Sheva Carr: and that is part of the issue is the image of 517 01:05:20.010 --> 01:05:23.710 Sheva Carr: equality doesn't help real equality happen. 518 01:05:24.110 --> 01:05:30.979 Sheva Carr: So I happen to have done extensive work in Iceland. And it's devastating the situation for one, there. 519 01:05:30.980 --> 01:05:47.099 Laurie Levin: And every countries continues to have its issues here. There. There isn't a country where Gender Bay, you know, where violence doesn't occur, and there, there's no, there's no country where full equality exists for women and equal pay. There's no country. But when you look at the best, and I rank the countries in the book. 520 01:05:47.437 --> 01:06:05.430 Laurie Levin: You know, there's those that just come out on the top, 20 on every single measure, and it's gender equality. When you look at that ranking. You see how it per. It's just so consistent with, you know best, Prosper, you know the pro most prosperous, the best on environment the most peaceful countries. 521 01:06:05.440 --> 01:06:24.390 Laurie Levin: So it's just the parallel, and it's a moving target, because this study might say this and that study may say that. But you'll see the consistency of several countries. That rank in that top 20 United States is not one of them. Matter of fact, the United States, in 2,018 was ranked the most dangerous, tenth, most dangerous country in the world to be female. 522 01:06:26.290 --> 01:06:26.780 Sheva Carr: Yeah. 523 01:06:26.780 --> 01:06:28.230 Laurie Levin: You for that question. Yeah. 524 01:06:28.290 --> 01:06:31.819 Laurie Levin: I love to talk. I get fatigued by it. But. 525 01:06:32.340 --> 01:06:40.399 Sheva Carr: I I would imagine, of those top 20 countries you ranks. The Nordic countries are always there. Is that true? Yeah. 526 01:06:40.650 --> 01:06:43.130 Laurie Levin: Always Ireland. We. 527 01:06:43.130 --> 01:06:44.080 Sheva Carr: Yes, Median. 528 01:06:44.220 --> 01:06:51.079 Sheva Carr: Sweden, Norway, Iceland, these are the countries that have Denmark have always been. 529 01:06:51.330 --> 01:06:52.230 Sheva Carr: and 530 01:06:52.580 --> 01:07:00.139 Sheva Carr: Finland at the forefront of gender equality. Now I've lived in both Iceland and Finland. 531 01:07:00.480 --> 01:07:01.749 Sheva Carr: Oh, my mom's 532 01:07:02.040 --> 01:07:03.640 Sheva Carr: well. 533 01:07:04.020 --> 01:07:11.500 Sheva Carr: and it's bad news gang, because what is the top? Isn't necessarily the possible. 534 01:07:12.060 --> 01:07:20.300 Laurie Levin: Oh, no, no, no, not by any means. But when you look at where the United States rings we have much to learn. That's what was so exciting in each of these rooms. Each of these settings. 535 01:07:20.300 --> 01:07:21.030 Sheva Carr: Pleasure. 536 01:07:21.030 --> 01:07:22.630 Laurie Levin: Theres were taking notes. 537 01:07:23.900 --> 01:07:30.310 Laurie Levin: you know, about what this country's doing, what that country's doing. But I want to tell you United States was not the leader on anything 538 01:07:30.590 --> 01:07:32.269 Laurie Levin: not leading on any of them. 539 01:07:34.330 --> 01:07:34.649 Sheva Carr: Well, no! 540 01:07:34.903 --> 01:07:35.409 Laurie Levin: Cross! Brilliant. 541 01:07:35.759 --> 01:07:36.459 Sheva Carr: With it 542 01:07:36.936 --> 01:07:45.220 Sheva Carr: the cross pollination of that wisdom. Some of you may remember the Brock Turner rape case. Does anyone remember that at Stanford. 543 01:07:45.630 --> 01:07:50.700 Sheva Carr: So all of the Americans, men and women. 544 01:07:51.610 --> 01:07:55.570 Sheva Carr: turned a blind eye to a rape happening on the street. 545 01:07:57.480 --> 01:08:00.729 Sheva Carr: It was 2 Swedish graduate students 546 01:08:02.370 --> 01:08:06.040 Sheva Carr: who are trained in bystander involvement. 547 01:08:07.180 --> 01:08:08.630 Laurie Levin: Yes, yes. 548 01:08:08.630 --> 01:08:14.110 Sheva Carr: Who stopped that from happening and called the police and held him back until the police got there. 549 01:08:15.800 --> 01:08:16.920 Sheva Carr: So 550 01:08:17.210 --> 01:08:22.279 Sheva Carr: that was a learning for the country of the United States. Yeah. 551 01:08:22.460 --> 01:08:24.349 Sheva Carr: hear from? Well, thank you. 552 01:08:24.350 --> 01:08:32.770 Laurie Levin: My father wrote to the judge and said, Judge, please give my son mercy. Don't make him pay, for, you know, 10 min 553 01:08:32.810 --> 01:08:34.249 Laurie Levin: a bad act. 554 01:08:34.540 --> 01:08:36.640 Laurie Levin: A bad act, you know. 555 01:08:36.779 --> 01:08:38.649 Laurie Levin: Don't pay campaign. Well. 556 01:08:38.950 --> 01:08:43.109 Laurie Levin: she, the victim, had written the woman who was assaulted and raped 557 01:08:44.520 --> 01:08:49.960 Laurie Levin: she was. She had written a letter she had talked about. You know her mental state of being 558 01:08:50.580 --> 01:08:54.430 Laurie Levin: the state that she was in today. It's terrible what she's gone through. 559 01:08:54.490 --> 01:09:02.050 Laurie Levin: And he said, Please don't you know? Don't hold my son, you know. Don't please send him to jail for 10 min of being a bad actor. 560 01:09:02.490 --> 01:09:07.569 Laurie Levin: So again I see the question, what is the fear behind equal rights? Assuming it's fear behind it. 561 01:09:11.300 --> 01:09:18.570 Laurie Levin: Anybody else want to speak? I'm gonna open because that I could certainly answer that, but I'd love. I know there's other people props possibly like to speak. 562 01:09:20.119 --> 01:09:25.609 Lynne Jensen: I did some research on that, because after Chuck Schumer put it before the floor last year. 563 01:09:25.909 --> 01:09:32.619 Lynne Jensen: put the vote to have it published, and it was defeated. I wanted to know why, so I did a little bit of research on it. 564 01:09:33.059 --> 01:09:33.839 Lynne Jensen: And 565 01:09:34.929 --> 01:09:36.159 Lynne Jensen: What came up 566 01:09:36.259 --> 01:09:43.259 Lynne Jensen: in my reading was the fear that once women become empowered and have the era. 567 01:09:43.289 --> 01:09:47.089 Lynne Jensen: that abortion will become very quickly legal again. 568 01:09:48.619 --> 01:09:51.419 Lynne Jensen: So is that the current excuse? I don't know. 569 01:09:51.420 --> 01:10:06.639 Laurie Levin: Exactly. The goal post keeps moving the early 19 hundreds. It was. Women didn't have the the physical frame to work 8 HA day. Can you imagine we give birth? We didn't have the physical frame. That was the argument. In the 19 early 19 hundreds, when Alice Paul. 570 01:10:07.094 --> 01:10:07.539 Lynne Jensen: Who. 571 01:10:07.540 --> 01:10:21.359 Laurie Levin: Brought this forward then the 60 seventies it was. Oh, it would have been the draft right? Oh, we can't have women go off in the military. Look at all the women in the military today. More recently it was coed bathrooms. 572 01:10:22.160 --> 01:10:33.079 Laurie Levin: Well, all of these keep coming into place. Now it's our way of life. So now it's the deadline back to the deadline, which is arbitrary. It's not even part of the amendment, so there's no winning case there. 573 01:10:33.480 --> 01:10:36.569 Laurie Levin: but the protection of the patriarchy, even by women. 574 01:10:37.180 --> 01:11:04.590 Laurie Levin: Right? It's still in place, and women keep it in place as well. It is that fear of, and particularly in the United States of white male order being dismantled, and those that are entitled it's blinding. Their entitlement isn't, is blinding for so many. They don't even know it's there for white people, right? The privilege. We don't even recognize all the things that we like. We're talking about initially taking for granted right, we take it for granted, but for others 575 01:11:05.090 --> 01:11:11.160 Laurie Levin: they don't have access to that. That's something they have to struggle for, fight, for, defend each and every day. 576 01:11:11.360 --> 01:11:24.830 Laurie Levin: Well, it's the same thing here with the patriarchy and men, you know. It's very difficult when you don't have economic power, and you're not paid the same, and and so forth, can really keep a lot in place. The physical violence that we endure. 577 01:11:25.030 --> 01:11:27.249 Laurie Levin: So there's so many factors there. 578 01:11:27.380 --> 01:11:35.049 Laurie Levin: But if you look at well educated women. Afghanistan won't allow it, because they know that's the end of the Taliban. 579 01:11:35.850 --> 01:11:46.509 Laurie Levin: So again, well educated, fully, you know, equal rights. That's when men are going to have to share, and so many men don't want that to happen. Certainly. 580 01:11:46.990 --> 01:11:54.750 Laurie Levin: right? It's women at home taking care of the children and them makes it a lot better. I'll tell you. They have somebody at home taking care right 581 01:11:55.350 --> 01:11:57.900 Laurie Levin: of your children growing up when you got a big job 582 01:11:58.340 --> 01:12:00.620 Laurie Levin: allows you to keep the job. 583 01:12:01.170 --> 01:12:12.899 Laurie Levin: But for most women, certainly during Covid, who gave up their jobs, it was. It was the women that gave up their jobs oftentimes because they're paid less. So it was the job they felt to give up. But it's the vicious cycle. 584 01:12:13.020 --> 01:12:23.690 Laurie Levin: So again, fear I think you're absolutely right. But it's that the protection of male white order in the United States that people are fighting today, this election coming up for us all 585 01:12:23.940 --> 01:12:25.489 Laurie Levin: is so very important. 586 01:12:25.650 --> 01:12:26.970 Laurie Levin: so very important. 587 01:12:28.350 --> 01:12:33.480 Laurie Levin: I see another. Oh, that's a hand up. I, Sand Sandra or Sandra. 588 01:12:34.050 --> 01:12:39.758 Sandra Solano: Hi, Laurie, thank you so much, for this is I very informative, and it has 589 01:12:41.490 --> 01:12:46.790 Sandra Solano: Give me a more global perspective of experiences. I have had the last the last week. 590 01:12:48.040 --> 01:12:49.090 Sandra Solano: And 591 01:12:49.380 --> 01:12:54.280 Sandra Solano: one of those, I think, that gives a little bit of insight into the mind. 592 01:12:54.942 --> 01:13:01.070 Sandra Solano: There's a resistance to this. And and I'm seeing it more from our blends of emotional 593 01:13:01.160 --> 01:13:02.560 Sandra Solano: reaction. 594 01:13:03.099 --> 01:13:20.720 Sandra Solano: And the fear based response of the change of the status quo the a new biotech company opened a very large production facility very close to my house. The CEO is Puerto Rican and Puerto Rican women, very eloquent with an accent. 595 01:13:20.730 --> 01:13:30.899 Sandra Solano: And they put this beautiful video showing the diversity of their workforce, and how that different viewpoints creates innovation and breakthroughs, and 596 01:13:30.930 --> 01:13:32.449 Sandra Solano: they are in the edge of 597 01:13:32.600 --> 01:13:43.830 Sandra Solano: something that can be a cancer curing drug and genetic modifications, and and that can solve some genetic diseases. And I mean, they're really at the at the 598 01:13:44.080 --> 01:13:45.260 Sandra Solano: Cardinesh. 599 01:13:46.160 --> 01:13:48.609 Sandra Solano: and I was so excited to see the video. 600 01:13:49.080 --> 01:13:52.339 Sandra Solano: And she is this person speaking in the video. 601 01:13:52.460 --> 01:13:55.129 Sandra Solano: And then when I went to the comments. 602 01:13:55.740 --> 01:14:02.609 Sandra Solano: The aggression in the Commons was very striking. Very much 603 01:14:02.930 --> 01:14:07.160 Sandra Solano: one of the benefits is that things that people were feeling are being say aloud. 604 01:14:07.350 --> 01:14:13.180 Sandra Solano: so the amount of men commenting, this is code, for white men need no apply. 605 01:14:14.390 --> 01:14:26.899 Sandra Solano: Why do they? Why does don't they have somebody who speaks English? She needs to go back to the kitchen, and all that is started like by common 25 into actually dead threats. 606 01:14:27.999 --> 01:14:34.290 Sandra Solano: So for me it was an exercise of even becoming aware of my own fear. 607 01:14:35.160 --> 01:14:39.980 Sandra Solano: because it was resonating with the fear behind all those comments. 608 01:14:40.160 --> 01:14:41.440 Sandra Solano: So 609 01:14:41.640 --> 01:14:54.980 Sandra Solano: I'm I don't know what the solution is yet. But for now I'm just pressing to the fear that that type of reaction has caused. My daughter just had a very dangerous scary incident in Chicago, and 610 01:14:55.220 --> 01:14:58.800 Sandra Solano: and just being with the fear that 611 01:14:59.270 --> 01:15:02.139 Sandra Solano: it is no safe for us to be a woman right now. 612 01:15:02.450 --> 01:15:08.689 Sandra Solano: especially where I am in Ohio. Being a Hispanic professional women is not 613 01:15:08.850 --> 01:15:12.500 Sandra Solano: a safe thing to be, and and a safest space to occupy 614 01:15:12.910 --> 01:15:22.399 Sandra Solano: at the same time, to know that is fear from those that have benefit from the status quo of losing those benefits. 615 01:15:22.730 --> 01:15:34.859 Sandra Solano: and that might be our job is to respond with something other than fear. And and that's where I am right now. So this was such a really very touchy and very valid 616 01:15:35.300 --> 01:15:42.260 Sandra Solano: validation of a lot of the things I have been feeling, and it, and and really educational of what can be done. So I appreciate it. 617 01:15:43.810 --> 01:15:49.280 Laurie Levin: Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that story. My my brother is one of the leading biotech people, probably 618 01:15:49.380 --> 01:16:14.260 Laurie Levin: in the world and out of boston in San Francisco, and he named when he he left a CEO of one of the many companies he started. He named a woman purposely, and as he was about to get on Cnn. And announcing her, he called me. I'll never forget the call, he said. Laurie just named our new CEO. It's I'm gonna be on the news. And he said, I think you'll be proud. So I was so thrilled, and that was gosh, that was many years ago. 619 01:16:14.530 --> 01:16:15.560 Laurie Levin: So 620 01:16:15.970 --> 01:16:18.800 Laurie Levin: I just heard that Joe Biden, just named 621 01:16:18.880 --> 01:16:34.590 Laurie Levin: more Federal judges, female Federal judges than any President has ever had. So keep the faith, is all I can say. One of the reasons. I am adamant about my heart math work 3 days a day I do a heart lock, and if I didn't, I would be 622 01:16:35.000 --> 01:16:40.210 Laurie Levin: dangerous to myself and others, because I this was like this 623 01:16:40.240 --> 01:16:48.960 Laurie Levin: angry woman, you know, in the United States, as a social justice activist for so long until I realize this is getting the better of me. 624 01:16:49.170 --> 01:16:57.640 Laurie Levin: It's it's not allowing my mismanagement of my emotions. It's not supporting me as a mom as a wife, as a individual. 625 01:16:57.670 --> 01:17:02.530 Laurie Levin: as a activist. I was undermining my work 626 01:17:02.870 --> 01:17:06.020 Laurie Levin: because I was so highly reactionary, you know. 627 01:17:06.190 --> 01:17:12.219 Laurie Levin: So I just say, keep the faith. And Kabbalah. For me, too, the combination is so powerful with heart math. 628 01:17:12.250 --> 01:17:14.870 Laurie Levin: It just keeps me in that space of 629 01:17:15.080 --> 01:17:21.010 Laurie Levin: I'm excited now. Yeah, I I'm not going to see the era past pot. Possibly in my lifetime. 630 01:17:21.270 --> 01:17:23.939 Laurie Levin: I think I'll see a woman president, though 631 01:17:24.420 --> 01:17:26.260 Laurie Levin: I do believe I will. 632 01:17:27.490 --> 01:17:38.400 Laurie Levin: I'm so hopeful about that, and excited, and if I don't, I don't. The work. I was an athlete. When I think about how us athletes, female athletes were treated in my day. And now my niece 633 01:17:38.510 --> 01:17:57.459 Laurie Levin: plays division one soccer in the United States for Michigan State, and she's going pro in Europe this year, so I would never have had that opportunity right. She had a full scholarship to play soccer in the United States, and now she's gonna she plays for the Morocco National team just came back from the Ghana games. 634 01:17:57.530 --> 01:18:00.479 Laurie Levin: So what a difference! And it just brings me. 635 01:18:00.790 --> 01:18:02.360 Laurie Levin: I mean to tears. 636 01:18:02.580 --> 01:18:10.460 Laurie Levin: you know. And so when I think back on that plane ride over the ocean to Spain, and I was crying for feeling like a failure with the era 637 01:18:10.470 --> 01:18:17.069 Laurie Levin: I know in my heart. We're not, you know. We plant the seed. We may not see the tree right the full-blown tree. 638 01:18:17.530 --> 01:18:19.300 Laurie Levin: but we need to plant the seed. 639 01:18:19.320 --> 01:18:21.610 Laurie Levin: and while we may not finish the word. 640 01:18:21.660 --> 01:18:23.220 Laurie Levin: We need to keep doing it. 641 01:18:23.540 --> 01:18:25.609 Laurie Levin: I know that that's the way forward 642 01:18:25.750 --> 01:18:26.450 Laurie Levin: can't. 643 01:18:26.800 --> 01:18:29.469 Laurie Levin: and I'll I'll leave it at there. But thank you so much. 644 01:18:30.480 --> 01:18:34.799 Sheva Carr: Thank you, Laurie. I I would love to offer a slight 645 01:18:35.710 --> 01:18:37.860 Sheva Carr: tilt of the camera lens 646 01:18:38.330 --> 01:18:41.150 Sheva Carr: on something you shared if I might, Sandra. 647 01:18:43.800 --> 01:18:49.269 Sheva Carr: There's a misconception that there are those who benefit from the status quo. 648 01:18:50.330 --> 01:18:54.080 Sheva Carr: but I don't think we serve the transformation with 649 01:18:54.310 --> 01:18:56.059 Sheva Carr: planting by feed 650 01:18:57.820 --> 01:18:58.910 Sheva Carr: with our lunch. 651 01:19:00.050 --> 01:19:04.268 Sheva Carr: When you look at the slides that Lori shared about 652 01:19:05.640 --> 01:19:12.289 Sheva Carr: the violence, domestic violence, and men not crying when women are murdered in front of them. 653 01:19:12.780 --> 01:19:14.820 Sheva Carr: or boys not crying. 654 01:19:15.780 --> 01:19:19.550 Sheva Carr: What we have to understand, I believe eventually 655 01:19:20.950 --> 01:19:25.549 Sheva Carr: is that there's a principal Lazarus shares that connection and notes up 656 01:19:25.560 --> 01:19:28.130 Sheva Carr: of knowledge happen on a continuum. 657 01:19:28.570 --> 01:19:34.659 Sheva Carr: we will either come to know ourselves and each other through caring connection or violence. 658 01:19:34.880 --> 01:19:40.069 Sheva Carr: There's a huge intimacy that emerges between torturers and the tortured 659 01:19:40.640 --> 01:19:43.849 Sheva Carr: intimacy on the level of sexual intimacy. 660 01:19:44.360 --> 01:19:48.130 Sheva Carr: deep intimacy, because they come to know each other's limits. 661 01:19:49.660 --> 01:19:55.020 Sheva Carr: Violence is a last resort. Way people come to know themselves. 662 01:19:56.060 --> 01:20:05.390 Sheva Carr: And so as the status quo disallows the vulnerability of men, for example, disallows the caring connection, and time and space 663 01:20:05.580 --> 01:20:11.490 Sheva Carr: from and to feel their connection to their children to their spouses, to their parents. 664 01:20:12.620 --> 01:20:14.800 Sheva Carr: That's not a benefit. 665 01:20:16.850 --> 01:20:21.930 Sheva Carr: That is why they're suiciding at even higher rates than women. We can't 666 01:20:21.940 --> 01:20:25.819 Sheva Carr: feed the discourse that it's a benefit. 667 01:20:27.090 --> 01:20:31.380 Sheva Carr: They are not benefited by this anymore than anyone else is. 668 01:20:31.610 --> 01:20:34.740 Sheva Carr: It's a whole system, dysfunction. 669 01:20:36.430 --> 01:20:42.200 Sheva Carr: and the whole system benefits from the transformation of equality. 670 01:20:44.450 --> 01:20:49.190 Sheva Carr: and more and more men are in theme with our heart. Start, call 671 01:20:49.220 --> 01:20:52.220 Sheva Carr: no longer willing to pay the taxes 672 01:20:53.520 --> 01:20:56.420 Sheva Carr: on what chauvinism does to them. 673 01:20:58.430 --> 01:21:02.260 Sheva Carr: White supremacy is not a benefit to anyone. 674 01:21:04.340 --> 01:21:06.400 Sheva Carr: Everyone pays 675 01:21:06.950 --> 01:21:09.059 Sheva Carr: for the dysfunction of the homes. 676 01:21:10.050 --> 01:21:12.119 Sheva Carr: and Laurie's data 677 01:21:12.290 --> 01:21:14.749 Sheva Carr: gives us a way to speak to that 678 01:21:14.960 --> 01:21:17.010 Sheva Carr: based in evidence 679 01:21:18.330 --> 01:21:28.660 Sheva Carr: that the countries that are thriving economically, socially, environmentally, are the countries where equality is at its peak. 680 01:21:30.520 --> 01:21:33.829 Sheva Carr: There's no such thing as status quo benefit. 681 01:21:35.610 --> 01:21:37.409 Sheva Carr: You could try that on. 682 01:21:38.080 --> 01:21:38.850 Sheva Carr: But 683 01:21:39.080 --> 01:21:40.359 Sheva Carr: it's an illusion. 684 01:21:44.120 --> 01:21:46.519 Sheva Carr: Those that think it's a benefit 685 01:21:46.580 --> 01:21:49.080 Sheva Carr: just don't know how good it can get. 686 01:21:51.180 --> 01:21:54.919 Sheva Carr: They're clinging to a suboptimal because it's familiar. 687 01:21:55.770 --> 01:21:58.880 Sheva Carr: and if we are deliberate about 688 01:21:58.970 --> 01:22:00.999 Sheva Carr: how we language things. 689 01:22:01.330 --> 01:22:04.600 Sheva Carr: we will will be better ambassadors of the future. 690 01:22:08.853 --> 01:22:14.519 Sheva Carr: Anything else you want to add to that Sandra cause that came inspired out of your sharing. 691 01:22:16.890 --> 01:22:25.119 Sandra Solano: Yeah, no, I I really resonate with the the familiar and the perception in their minds that because it's familiar is is safer. 692 01:22:25.250 --> 01:22:25.770 Sandra Solano: But yeah. 693 01:22:25.770 --> 01:22:35.319 Sheva Carr: Don't project it into their mind, because you're the one that said it's perception in your mind, and if you change it in your mind, you're hop part of this hologram. 694 01:22:36.290 --> 01:22:41.000 Sheva Carr: These are the subtle ways in which we are the drivers of the status quo. 695 01:22:44.320 --> 01:22:47.730 Sandra Solano: Lost some packed there, and probably for my private coaching call. 696 01:22:48.640 --> 01:22:52.149 Sheva Carr: I'll be sending me love. But this is where the power is. Kiddos. 697 01:22:53.890 --> 01:22:57.400 Sheva Carr: This is where our power as hard ambassadors is. 698 01:22:58.030 --> 01:23:03.289 Sheva Carr: and Laurie's on to this. This is why she's moving and groovin in the sense that 699 01:23:03.540 --> 01:23:10.000 Sheva Carr: she could see using heart method and Kabala where she's the driver of the status quo 700 01:23:10.660 --> 01:23:12.549 Sheva Carr: in our own consciousness 701 01:23:12.910 --> 01:23:16.850 Sheva Carr: and our capacity to start changing it here. 702 01:23:18.900 --> 01:23:20.830 Sheva Carr: There is no S in them. 703 01:23:24.530 --> 01:23:26.490 Sheva Carr: There's only one of us here. 704 01:23:31.750 --> 01:23:34.470 Sheva Carr: It's a rich, rich, deep, deep, deep 705 01:23:34.500 --> 01:23:37.409 Sheva Carr: discourse, and I wanna thank everyone 706 01:23:38.380 --> 01:23:40.449 Sheva Carr: for your contributions to it. 707 01:23:41.164 --> 01:23:45.510 Sheva Carr: I have a couple of other things for you, Lori. One just regarding 708 01:23:45.550 --> 01:23:48.230 Sheva Carr: the skimpy clothing issue. 709 01:23:48.960 --> 01:23:55.440 Sheva Carr: Has anyone seen the uproar in the media about Nike's designs? For 710 01:23:57.200 --> 01:24:00.430 Sheva Carr: as Olympic kit for the summer Olympics. 711 01:24:02.080 --> 01:24:04.300 Sheva Carr: all hell has broken loose. 712 01:24:04.410 --> 01:24:09.270 Sheva Carr: because it's like, you know, the the hip line is up to the nipples, to the women's 713 01:24:09.530 --> 01:24:11.690 Sheva Carr: athletic kit, and 714 01:24:11.800 --> 01:24:13.810 Sheva Carr: people are having none of it. 715 01:24:14.970 --> 01:24:22.510 Sheva Carr: So there is. Thank you so much, Sandra, and thank you for your incredibly rich contribution. 716 01:24:27.700 --> 01:24:35.930 Sheva Carr: Lori, I have worked with women in Afghanistan at various points over the last 24 years. 717 01:24:36.120 --> 01:24:41.130 Sheva Carr: and also with us veterans of the war in Afghanistan. 718 01:24:41.910 --> 01:24:46.259 Sheva Carr: for whom the current situation is very devastating. 719 01:24:46.690 --> 01:24:52.549 Sheva Carr: many of whom lost limb and friends lives to try to make change. 720 01:24:52.970 --> 01:24:56.940 Sheva Carr: And I appreciated what you said that we need to listen 721 01:24:57.590 --> 01:24:58.619 Sheva Carr: to them. 722 01:24:59.867 --> 01:25:04.970 Sheva Carr: Because clearly coming in as colonialist saviors didn't work. 723 01:25:05.740 --> 01:25:09.879 Sheva Carr: and many veterans of our of the Us. And Canada 724 01:25:10.030 --> 01:25:11.390 Sheva Carr: in the UK. 725 01:25:11.860 --> 01:25:15.550 Sheva Carr: Are paying a devastating price for the grief 726 01:25:15.800 --> 01:25:18.250 Sheva Carr: at seeing how that approach didn't work. 727 01:25:19.190 --> 01:25:25.360 Sheva Carr: and I just wanted to invite you as as you're now making these connections and 728 01:25:25.460 --> 01:25:30.750 Sheva Carr: doing more work there to stay in touch with us if there's anything we can do to help. 729 01:25:31.460 --> 01:25:34.289 Sheva Carr: I taught women in Afghanistan, Hartman 730 01:25:34.820 --> 01:25:36.430 Sheva Carr: through a 731 01:25:37.660 --> 01:25:39.650 Sheva Carr: contraband, letters 732 01:25:40.170 --> 01:25:45.000 Sheva Carr: that were passed in 3 Afghan languages from refugee camps in Pakistan 733 01:25:45.380 --> 01:25:49.080 Sheva Carr: under Burke, as into the country back in 2,001 734 01:25:50.220 --> 01:25:57.010 Sheva Carr: from about 2,001 to 2,004, and for those who have my book being the source of love. There's a whole chapter 735 01:25:57.090 --> 01:26:01.380 Sheva Carr: about that work we did in Afghanistan called the Compassion Quilt 736 01:26:02.967 --> 01:26:06.539 Sheva Carr: and so this is a deep passion of mine. 737 01:26:07.280 --> 01:26:10.969 Sheva Carr: and therefore I just want to extend to you, Lori. 738 01:26:11.090 --> 01:26:17.210 Sheva Carr: as you unfold. Whatever your calling is there. If there's any way we can be set of support. Let us know. 739 01:26:18.610 --> 01:26:24.350 Laurie Levin: Thank you. As I turned around from Saraje after her speech, I filmed the whole thing 740 01:26:24.410 --> 01:26:36.499 Laurie Levin: 6 min. It's the most one of the most passionate speeches, she got a standing ovation. I was the only one filming, and I guess the journalists from the prior presentation the prior day were behind me. I turned around. I go. Oh. 741 01:26:36.620 --> 01:26:40.349 Laurie Levin: there they are. So I went and talked to them, and they wanted my video. 742 01:26:40.400 --> 01:26:49.369 Laurie Levin: And one of them is Lima. I'm worried, and we talked immediately thereafter. She has 3 point proposals she's presenting to me a shared. 743 01:26:49.420 --> 01:26:59.839 Laurie Levin: We're meeting again this week to further that discussion. So far I've got several people who are interested in working on this effort. It's an it's an online application. 744 01:27:00.000 --> 01:27:06.900 Laurie Levin: But when she mentioned we need to give them hope I shared with her my work with heart math, and Kabbalah, and I said. 745 01:27:08.830 --> 01:27:24.080 Laurie Levin: You know I'll be there for you in any way I can, and I think I know some other people who might wanna who might be helpful for us. And then, since that I met with a woman of West Point graduate who was stationed in Afghanistan, who trained Afghan women 746 01:27:24.687 --> 01:27:37.200 Laurie Levin: them as medics and as other things that they were doing. And so that was an extraordinary conversation I've had, too. So it is. Yeah, it's an important part of the world for us not to not to forget about. Please. 747 01:27:37.850 --> 01:27:38.370 Laurie Levin: Yeah. 748 01:27:38.370 --> 01:27:43.310 Sheva Carr: So 2 things about that one, I'll I'm happy to send you the compassion quote 749 01:27:43.400 --> 01:27:47.329 Sheva Carr: as an audio chapter, and as a written chapter, if you share it with them. 750 01:27:47.330 --> 01:27:48.180 Laurie Levin: Please, please. 751 01:27:49.090 --> 01:27:50.000 Sheva Carr: And 752 01:27:50.110 --> 01:27:50.950 Sheva Carr: and 753 01:27:51.080 --> 01:27:55.320 Sheva Carr: a current member of my Board of Advisors previous Founding board member. 754 01:27:56.400 --> 01:27:59.959 Sheva Carr: very, very wealthy individual who started the largest 755 01:28:00.300 --> 01:28:02.969 Sheva Carr: medical testing company in the world. 756 01:28:05.080 --> 01:28:09.660 Sheva Carr: for a while with his daughter, had an organization in Afghanistan 757 01:28:10.100 --> 01:28:12.940 Sheva Carr: that was giving women their online work 758 01:28:12.960 --> 01:28:16.150 Sheva Carr: prior to the 2021 759 01:28:16.230 --> 01:28:17.980 Sheva Carr: pull out of the Us. 760 01:28:18.360 --> 01:28:22.499 Sheva Carr: And they, single handedly, I believe, rescued 50 Afghan women 761 01:28:23.050 --> 01:28:26.179 Sheva Carr: during the who were part of their program. 762 01:28:26.650 --> 01:28:29.409 Sheva Carr: So if her 3 Point plan, and 763 01:28:29.600 --> 01:28:32.139 Sheva Carr: includes this kind of telepror. 764 01:28:33.590 --> 01:28:34.290 Laurie Levin: Yes. 765 01:28:34.690 --> 01:28:39.799 Sheva Carr: Then I would suggest, maybe inviting her to come and present 766 01:28:39.930 --> 01:28:42.980 Sheva Carr: at one of our ambassador members calls. 767 01:28:43.400 --> 01:28:48.239 Sheva Carr: and I will invite my colleague to that, or 768 01:28:48.510 --> 01:28:51.930 Sheva Carr: we'll record it and send it to him, and see if he has 769 01:28:52.100 --> 01:28:53.939 Sheva Carr: ideas about how to help. 770 01:28:55.630 --> 01:28:57.739 Laurie Levin: Thank you so much. That's extraordinary. 771 01:28:59.684 --> 01:29:00.160 Sheva Carr: Yeah. 772 01:29:00.780 --> 01:29:05.690 Sheva Carr: Finally, we always offer our guest speakers, Lori. 773 01:29:06.170 --> 01:29:07.090 Sheva Carr: A 774 01:29:07.390 --> 01:29:10.889 Sheva Carr: a complimentary heart, ambassador course. So 775 01:29:10.910 --> 01:29:15.260 Sheva Carr: we have the heart mastery courses. I don't know if you're aware of those 776 01:29:15.370 --> 01:29:18.509 Sheva Carr: with 45 different harvest skills in them. 777 01:29:19.315 --> 01:29:25.539 Sheva Carr: And then we have about how many is it now, Melinda? 40 50 electives courses. 778 01:29:25.910 --> 01:29:27.920 Sheva Carr: and there's a lot of 779 01:29:28.110 --> 01:29:29.110 Sheva Carr: a lot 780 01:29:29.823 --> 01:29:34.669 Sheva Carr: on topics, many of which I think would interest you. So if you wanna take. 781 01:29:34.740 --> 01:29:41.379 Sheva Carr: maybe Melinda can send you the list of electives that are currently available, and you could look@heartmastery.com. 782 01:29:41.730 --> 01:29:47.319 Sheva Carr: And so we'd love to gift you with one of our courses, which could be a great way to. 783 01:29:47.900 --> 01:29:48.780 Sheva Carr: and 784 01:29:49.140 --> 01:29:53.940 Sheva Carr: spend some passive time in the receiving mode, while your shoulder is healing. 785 01:29:54.390 --> 01:29:57.880 Laurie Levin: Thank you. Appreciate that very much. That's wonderful. Thank you. 786 01:30:00.100 --> 01:30:06.709 Sheva Carr: Anything else that anyone else needs or wants to share or ask to complete our time together. 787 01:30:09.120 --> 01:30:10.620 Sheva Carr: Yes, Ninka. 788 01:30:14.430 --> 01:30:27.290 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: Hi! Oh, hi! Lori! This is the Netherlands! Hi! Spain! You're represented. Thank you for the broad perspective you brought in this one thing what I noticed here in the Netherlands. We have 789 01:30:29.033 --> 01:30:34.630 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: groups where students can be a member of when they're when they're going into college. 790 01:30:34.850 --> 01:30:38.580 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: And recently there has been a big 791 01:30:38.930 --> 01:30:44.740 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: issue, because a group of male students sent out a Bengalist 792 01:30:44.900 --> 01:30:56.940 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: with addresses, phone numbers, physical descriptions of women, how they best would be sexually in relations. 793 01:30:57.240 --> 01:31:05.439 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: A whole range was here in the Netherlands. A. And what I want to bring. What created awareness 794 01:31:05.600 --> 01:31:13.110 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: is that this has been in these group for many generations. And now there is a shift 795 01:31:13.640 --> 01:31:29.639 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: in how women and men and their parents have now another awareness how this is going going to influence them for the rest of a life, because the social media is not now more active as well. Many of the 796 01:31:30.355 --> 01:31:49.034 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: the adult students from now said, well, this was going on in our time as well, and now there seems to be shift in this generational pattern. I just wanted to bring that on, because I think this which you shared about is another awareness going on. There's a new wave coming up. 797 01:31:49.500 --> 01:31:52.940 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: I felt deeply that this is, we're not done. 798 01:31:53.020 --> 01:31:58.149 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: But at least there is another perspective onto the service coming up. 799 01:31:58.380 --> 01:32:00.140 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: and some 800 01:32:00.210 --> 01:32:04.129 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: I just wanted to bring that on for the generational aspect as well. 801 01:32:05.950 --> 01:32:16.500 Laurie Levin: Yes, Netherlands. So one of one of those other countries that we can look at not, you know. It's not a gold standard, nothing. It's no country. Has everything right down figured out. 802 01:32:17.130 --> 01:32:21.200 Laurie Levin: certainly. But it's one of those countries that does. We could learn from. 803 01:32:22.430 --> 01:32:26.889 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: Yeah. And and the political climate is is 804 01:32:26.900 --> 01:32:32.549 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: widely in Europe spreading to the far right wing. So we have to see 805 01:32:32.630 --> 01:32:37.069 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: our our work is is needed, and to be continued. 806 01:32:38.770 --> 01:32:41.399 Nienke van Bezooijen ❤: Thank you for your wonderful presentation, Laurie. 807 01:32:41.600 --> 01:32:43.409 Laurie Levin: Thank you so much. My pleasure. 808 01:32:43.740 --> 01:32:47.299 Sheva Carr: Lori. Is your book available as an audio book by chance. 809 01:32:47.300 --> 01:32:51.550 Laurie Levin: As of yet I'd love to record it. It's my goal is to record it. 810 01:32:52.930 --> 01:32:53.369 Sheva Carr: Is, a. 811 01:32:53.370 --> 01:32:53.870 Laurie Levin: Yeah. 812 01:32:53.870 --> 01:32:57.550 Sheva Carr: You do. It's my primary mode of reading these days. 813 01:32:57.550 --> 01:33:01.360 Laurie Levin: I need to get it done. I really want to do it. Thank you so much for saying that. 814 01:33:01.890 --> 01:33:03.929 Sheva Carr: Well, this is a good time to do it. 815 01:33:04.020 --> 01:33:07.790 Sheva Carr: because you don't need your shoulder to give your voice. 816 01:33:08.200 --> 01:33:25.990 Laurie Levin: Got it. You know. I've got a course that I'm introducing now, too. I feel like I'm there's and the Afghanistan things guys like, oh, so yeah, but no, I do want to get that. I'm writing a 3 book series as well right now is called Rise the first one's called rise off the second one's listen up, and the third one is woman up. 817 01:33:26.390 --> 01:33:37.260 Laurie Levin: you know. So I'm excited about this conversation of elevating consciousness, because again, I want to approach these things from, I think the place, the space 818 01:33:37.510 --> 01:33:40.410 Laurie Levin: that will actually create solutions 819 01:33:40.480 --> 01:33:55.700 Laurie Levin: versus this. We're waiting for legislators waiting for leaders politically. No, in fact, we know it comes from as Margaret Mead, said one individual, or a group, maybe of 7 or 8 people that are joined, not at the hip, but at the heart. 820 01:33:55.800 --> 01:33:58.739 Laurie Levin: and who are able to accomplish 821 01:33:59.160 --> 01:34:08.720 Laurie Levin: what we cannot do alone. But it doesn't take that many of us to get together. So one of the goals I have is to create those small circles of people that learn these techniques 822 01:34:08.910 --> 01:34:17.239 Laurie Levin: that can, you know, stay vocal in their communities about these topics aware, make them aware of these things, and then in their heart 823 01:34:17.270 --> 01:34:21.520 Laurie Levin: move out into the community. That's where we see sustainable change. 824 01:34:22.560 --> 01:34:28.209 Sheva Carr: Well, look at that. Y'all, it takes 7 heart. Investors has got 10 times what it takes. 825 01:34:29.170 --> 01:34:30.320 Sheva Carr: Let's do it. 826 01:34:31.300 --> 01:34:36.169 Sheva Carr: Thank you so much, Laurie, what a privilege to have you represent us! 827 01:34:36.660 --> 01:34:39.370 Sheva Carr: And have you come and educate us? 828 01:34:39.680 --> 01:34:42.570 Sheva Carr: Much gratitude to all, much left.